About Enterprise Vault utilities
Enterprise Vault provides a number of utilities with which you can test and log the performance of Enterprise Vault, run scripts to perform common tasks, and more.
Table: Available Enterprise Vault utilities lists the utilities that are available when you install Enterprise Vault.
Table: Available Enterprise Vault utilities
Use this utility | To do this |
ArchivePoints | Create and manage
"archive points" - the points marking the top of each folder structure that File
System Archiving is to store in a single archive. |
Audit Viewer | View and filter the data that is logged in an Enterprise Vault
auditing database. |
Backtrace | Obtain tracing information from Enterprise Vault processes. The trace starts automatically, just before a problem occurs. |
CenteraPing | Test the connection to a Dell EMC Centera cluster. |
Domino Archive Exporter | Export
items from an Enterprise Vault Domino archive to a Notes database. |
Domino Profile Document Tool | View the contents of the profile document that Enterprise Vault adds to a Domino mailbox. |
Domino Retention Plan Tool | Upload to Enterprise Vault any new retention plans that you create. |
DTrace | Run Enterprise Vault in debug mode by logging what processes are doing at the code level. |
EVDominoExchangeMigration | Modify shortcuts in
Exchange Server mailboxes that have been migrated from Domino to Exchange
Server. |
EVDuplicateCleaner | Find and delete duplicate savesets. |
EVEARemovalUtility | Remove the extended attributes from files so that FSA can create placeholder shortcuts for them. |
EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions | Configure the required permissions and privileges for a changed Vault Service account on a file server on which the FSA Agent is installed. |
EVrights | Grant user rights to users and groups from a command line or
batch file. |
EVservice | Start and stop Windows services
and Enterprise Vault tasks on local or remote computers. |
EVSVR | Report on, verify, and repair
Enterprise Vault storage. You can also perform a number of specialized activities such as retrieving the savesets of an archived item and extracting savesets from a Dell EMC Centera data blob. |
FSARunNow | Start archiving from a specified file server, synchronize permissions, and prune earlier versions of archived files. |
FSAUndelete | Cancel the permanent deletion of the archived files for specified placeholders, or for all of the placeholders in a specified folder. |
FSAUtility | Recreate archive points and placeholders, move and delete placeholders, and restore archived files. |
NTFS to Centera Migration | Copy Enterprise Vault savesets from an
NTFS source partition to a Dell EMC Centera destination partition. |
Permissions Browser | View the security identifiers (SIDs) and access
permissions for the archives and archive folders in an Enterprise Vault directory
database. |
Policy Manager | Use scripts to modify and control
mailboxes and archives so that they conform to your Enterprise Vault archiving
policies. Additionally, you can use Policy Manager to migrate the contents of PST
files to Enterprise Vault. |
ResetEVClient | Fix a number of problems with the Enterprise Vault
add-in to Microsoft Outlook. |
Vault Store Usage Reporter | Obtain
reports on current vault store usage. |