Veritas NetBackup™ Cloud Administrator's Guide
- About NetBackup cloud storage
- About the cloud storage
- About the Amazon S3 cloud storage API type
- About protecting data in Amazon for long-term retention
- Protecting data using Amazon's cloud tiering
- About Microsoft Azure cloud storage API type
- About OpenStack Swift cloud storage API type
- Configuring cloud storage in NetBackup
- Scalable Storage properties
- Cloud Storage properties
- About the NetBackup CloudStore Service Container
- About the NetBackup media servers for cloud storage
- Configuring a storage server for cloud storage
- NetBackup cloud storage server properties
- Configuring a storage unit for cloud storage
- Changing cloud storage disk pool properties
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Operational notes
- Troubleshooting
- About unified logging
- About legacy logging
- Troubleshooting cloud storage configuration issues
- Troubleshooting cloud storage operational issues
Configuring cloud storage in NetBackup
This topic describes how to configure cloud storage in NetBackup. Table: Overview of the NetBackup cloud configuration process provides an overview of the tasks to configure cloud storage. Follow the steps in the table in sequential order.
The NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I describes how to configure a base NetBackup environment. The NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I is available through the following URL:
Table: Overview of the NetBackup cloud configuration process
Step | Task | More information |
Step 1 | Create NetBackup log file directories on the master server and the media servers | See NetBackup cloud storage log files. See Creating NetBackup log file directories for cloud storage. |
Step 2 | Review the cloud installation requirements | |
Step 3 | Determine the requirements for provisioning and configuring your cloud storage provider in NetBackup | |
Step 4 | Configure the global cloud storage host properties as necessary | |
Step 5 | Configure the Cloud Storage properties | Optionally, add a cloud storage service host using the NetBackup host properties. |
Step 6 | Understand the role of the CloudStore Service Container Applicable for media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2 only. | |
Step 7 | Provision a security certificate for authentication on the media servers | See NetBackup CloudStore Service Container security certificates. |
Step 8 | Understand key management for encryption | Encryption is optional. See About data encryption for cloud storage. See About key management for encryption of NetBackup cloud storage. |
Step 9 | Configure the storage server | See About cloud storage servers. |
Step 10 | Configure the disk pool | |
Step 11 | Configure additional storage server properties | |
Step 12 | Add additional media servers | Adding additional media servers is optional. |
Step 13 | Configure a storage unit | |
Step 14 | Configure NetBackup Accelerator and optimized synthetic backups | Accelerator and optimzed synthetic backups are optional. |
Step 15 | Configure a backup policy |
More Information
About cloud storage disk pools
Configuring a disk pool for cloud storage
NetBackup cloud storage server properties
Changing cloud storage server properties
About the NetBackup media servers for cloud storage
Adding backup media servers to your cloud environment
About NetBackup Accelerator and NetBackup Optimized Synthetic backups