Veritas NetBackup™ for NDMP Administrator's Guide
- Introduction to NetBackup for NDMP
- About NetBackup for NDMP
- Types of NDMP backup
- About assigning tape drives to different hosts
- Installation Notes for NetBackup for NDMP
- Configuring NDMP backup to NDMP-attached devices
- About Media and Device Management configuration
- About creating an NDMP policy
- Backup selection options for an NDMP policy
- About enabling or disabling DAR
- Configuring NDMP backup to NetBackup media servers (remote NDMP)
- Configuring NDMP DirectCopy
- Accelerator for NDMP
- Remote NDMP and disk devices
- Using the Shared Storage Option (SSO)
- Backup and restore procedures
- Troubleshooting
- Using NetBackup for NDMP scripts
Schedules tab options for an NDMP policy with Accelerator for NDMP enabled
In the schedules list under the Attributes tab, the following parameter is optional for an NDMP policy with Accelerator for NDMP enabled.
Acclerator forced rescan | Select this option to enable an Accelerator forced rescan. This option is available only for the NDMP policies that use Accelerator for NDMP. An Accelerator forced rescan provides a safety net by establishing a new baseline for the next Accelerator backup. When you include this option, all the data on the filer is backed up. This backup is similar to the first full Accelerator backup: it provides a new baseline for the backups that follow. If you set up a weekly full backup schedule with the Accelerator forced rescan. You can set the schedule to run every 6 months or whenever it is appropriate for your environment. Expect backups with Accelerator forced rescan to run slightly longer than accelerated full backups. option, you can supplement the policy with another schedule that enablesMore information about Accelerator for NDMP is available: |
More information about Accelerator for NDMP is available: