Veritas NetBackup™ for SAP Administrator's Guide
- Introduction to NetBackup for SAP
- Introduction to NetBackup SAP HANA
- Installing NetBackup for SAP
- Installing NetBackup for SAP HANA
- Configuring NetBackup for SAP
- About configuring a backup policy for an SAP database
- NetBackup for SAP backup scripts
- About SAP configuration files
- Configuring NetBackup for SAP HANA
- Performing backups and restores of SAP
- Using BRTools to start an SAP backup (for Oracle database only)
- Performing an SAP archive
- Restarting failed NetBackup for SAP backups and restores
- Performing backups and restores of SAP HANA
- NetBackup for SAP with Snapshot Client
- How the NetBackup for SAP Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for SAP
- About configuring NetBackup for SAP block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for SAP
- About NetBackup for SAP restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- NetBackup for SAP on MaxDB databases
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for SAP and SAP HANA
- NetBackup debug logs and reports
- sapdba logs and messages (Oracle-based SAP environments only)
- About troubleshooting NetBackup for SAP HANA
- Appendix A. backint command line interface
- Appendix B. Input and output files for SAP HANA
- Appendix C. backint -i in_file contents
- Appendix D. backint -o out_file contents
- Appendix E. NetBackup for SAP environment variables for backint
- Appendix F. NetBackup for SAP configuration or bp.conf file settings
- Appendix G. Parameters used in initSID.utl
- sort_backup_type <value>
- sort_restore_type <value>
- Appendix H. Configuring split mirror backups
- Appendix I. Register authorized locations
About configuring NetBackup for SAP block-level incremental backups on UNIX
If only a small portion of a database changes on a daily basis, full database backups are costly in terms of time and media. The Block-Level Incremental (BLI) Backup interface extends the capabilities of NetBackup to back up only the file system blocks that contain changed data blocks.
A database BLI backup is done at the file system block level, which means only changed file blocks are backed up. Unchanged blocks within the files are not backed up. The VxFS Storage Checkpoint facility tracks changed blocks in real time. Accordingly, a BLI backup does not need to search the entire volume for the modified blocks at backup time. BLI backup saves time, decreases the amount of backup media that is required, and significantly reduces CPU and network overhead during backups. In addition, BLI backup allows more frequent backups, so backup images are more up to date.
BLI backup is particularly useful for any large databases that are sized in terms of hundreds of gigabytes or terabytes. Most traditional methods for database backup require that any change in the database - no matter how small - requires that the entire database is backed up. With BLI backup, only modified blocks (or file) need to be backed up.
See How BLI works with NetBackup for SAP (UNIX).
See Configuration requirements for BLI backups with NetBackup for SAP.
See Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for SAP.