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Veritas NetBackup™ for SAP Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1.1, 8.1)
- Introduction to NetBackup for SAP
- Introduction to NetBackup SAP HANA
- Installing NetBackup for SAP
- Installing NetBackup for SAP HANA
- Configuring NetBackup for SAP
- About configuring a backup policy for an SAP database
- NetBackup for SAP backup scripts
- About SAP configuration files
- Configuring NetBackup for SAP HANA
- Performing backups and restores of SAP
- Using BRTools to start an SAP backup (for Oracle database only)
- Performing an SAP archive
- Restarting failed NetBackup for SAP backups and restores
- Performing backups and restores of SAP HANA
- NetBackup for SAP with Snapshot Client
- How the NetBackup for SAP Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for SAP
- About configuring NetBackup for SAP block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for SAP
- About NetBackup for SAP restores of volumes and file systems using snapshot rollback
- NetBackup for SAP on MaxDB databases
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for SAP and SAP HANA
- NetBackup debug logs and reports
- sapdba logs and messages (Oracle-based SAP environments only)
- About troubleshooting NetBackup for SAP HANA
- Appendix A. backint command line interface
- Appendix B. Input and output files for SAP HANA
- Appendix C. backint -i in_file contents
- Appendix D. backint -o out_file contents
- Appendix E. NetBackup for SAP environment variables for backint
- Appendix F. NetBackup for SAP configuration or bp.conf file settings
- Appendix G. Parameters used in initSID.utl
- sort_backup_type <value>
- sort_restore_type <value>
- Appendix H. Configuring split mirror backups
- Appendix I. Register authorized locations
sort_restore_type drive
Specifies that NetBackup create jobs based on the drives parameter in the initSID.utl file. The following examples show the distribution if there are 3 tape drives and 10 SAP files.
UNIX or Linux:
Input file list from SAP:
/oracle/sap/sapdata1/roll_1/roll.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata2/sourced_1/sourced.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata3/stabd_1/stabd.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata2/stabi_2/stabi.data2 /oracle/sap/sapdata1/temp_1/temp.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata4/user1d_1/user1d.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata2/user1i_1/user1i.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1 /oracle/sap/saplog1/log_g1_m1/log1_m1.dbf
Backup job and restore job 1:
/oracle/sap/sapdata1/roll_1/roll.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata2/stabi_2/stabi.data2 /oracle/sap/sapdata2/user1i_1/user1i.data1
Backup job and restore job 2:
/oracle/sap/sapdata2/sourced_1/sourced.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata1/temp_1/temp.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata1/system_1/system.data1
Backup job and restore job 3:
/oracle/sap/sapdata3/stabd_1/stabd.data1 /oracle/sap/sapdata4/user1d_1/user1d.data1 /oracle/sap/saplog1/log_g1_m1/log1_m1.dbf
Input file list from SAP:
Backup job and restore job 1:
Backup job and restore job 2:
Backup job and restore job 3: