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Veritas NetBackup™ DataStore SDK Programmer's Guide for XBSA 1.1.0
Last Published:
NetBackup (, 9.0)
- Introduction to NetBackup XBSA
- How to set up the SDK
- Using the NetBackup XBSA interface
- NetBackup XBSA data structures
- NetBackup XBSA environment
- XBSA sessions and transactions
- Creating a NetBackup XBSA application
- How to build an XBSA application
- How to run a NetBackup XBSA application
- API reference
- Function calls
- Function specifications
- Type definitions
- Process flow and troubleshooting
- How to use the sample files
- Support and updates
- Appendix A. Register authorized locations
- authentication, Authentication
- backup transactions, Backup transaction, Backup - creating an object
- buffers
- overview, Buffers
- private buffer space, Private buffer space
- size, Buffer size
- clients, Adding new clients
- cluster
- running an XBSA application in, Client in a cluster
- command line, initiating backups and restores, Backups and restores from the command line
- configuration, Configuration
- end-user, End-user configuration
- constant values, Constant values
- conventions, Conventions
- data structures, BSA_ApiVersion, BSA_SecurityToken
- debug logs, Logging and NetBackup
- debug mode, How to build in debug mode
- debugging an XBSA application, How to debug the application
- defines, Flags and defines
- delete transaction, Delete transaction
- deleting objects, Delete - deleting an object or image
- example, Delete example
- dynamic libraries, Dynamic libraries
- environment variables, Environment variable definitions
- extended, Extended environment variable definitions
- NetBackup XBSA, Environment variable definitions
- XBSA, Environment variable definitions
- error messages, Error messages
- example
- of a backup, Backup example
- of a query, Query example
- flags, Flags and defines
- function extensions, Function calls
- function specifications, Function calls, Function specifications, NBBSAEndGetMultipleObjects
- get_license_key, Installation instructions for UNIX platforms
- header files, Description of the XBSA SDK package, Header files
- installation
- library files, Description of the XBSA SDK package
- license key, Installation instructions for UNIX platforms
- logging, Logging and NetBackup
- media IDs
- transaction, Media IDs transaction
- NetBackup object ownership
- changing the group ownership, NetBackup object ownership
- default behavior, NetBackup object ownership
- options, NetBackup object ownership
- specifying the owner, NetBackup object ownership
- NetBackup XBSA
- environment
- defined, Terminology
- interface
- defined, Terminology
- object
- defined, Terminology
- session
- defined, Terminology
- object
- attributes, Object descriptors
- creating an empty, Creating an empty object
- deleting, Delete - deleting an object or image
- example, Delete example
- descriptors, Object descriptors
- performance considerations, Performance considerations
- policies
- creating, Creating a NetBackup policy
- private buffer space, Private buffer space
- query
- descriptors, Query descriptors
- for an object, Querying for an object
- transaction, Query transaction
- requirements
- for compiling, System requirements
- installation, Installation requirements
- restore transaction, Restore transaction
- restores
- of an object, Restoring an object
- of multiple objects, Multiple object restore
- example, Multiple object restore example
- requirements, Multiple object restore
- to a different client, Redirected restore to a different client
- example, Restore example
- running a NetBackup XBSA application, Running a NetBackup XBSA application
- samples
- programs, Sample programs
- scripts, Sample scripts
- schedules, Adding new schedules
- script
- scripts
- to initiate backups and restores, Backups and restores initiated by NetBackup (through a script)
- sessions
- described, Sessions
- initiating, Initialization and termination, Initiating a session
- example, Session example
- modifying XBSA environment in, Modifying the XBSA environment within a session
- termination, Initialization and termination
- shared memory, Shared memory
- static libraries, Static libraries
- storage units, Selecting a storage unit
- support, About Support and updates
- terminology, Terminology
- transactions, Transactions
- backup, Backup transaction, Backup - creating an object
- delete, Delete transaction
- media IDs, Media IDs transaction
- query, Query transaction
- restore, Restore transaction
- type definitions, Type definitions, BSA_SecurityToken
- data structures, BSA_ApiVersion, BSA_SecurityToken
- enumerated, BSA_CopyType, Constant values
- application
- defined, Terminology
- described, What is NetBackup XBSA?
- environment, NetBackup XBSA environment
- modifying with a session, Modifying the XBSA environment within a session
- environment variables, Environment variable definitions
- for NetBackup configuration values, Environment variable definitions
- function specifications, Function calls, Function specifications, NBBSAEndGetMultipleObjects
- libraries, Library files
- object data, Object data
- type definitions, Type definitions, BSA_SecurityToken