Veritas NetBackup™ DataStore SDK Programmer's Guide for XBSA 1.1.0
- Introduction to NetBackup XBSA
- How to set up the SDK
- Using the NetBackup XBSA interface
- NetBackup XBSA data structures
- NetBackup XBSA environment
- XBSA sessions and transactions
- Creating a NetBackup XBSA application
- How to build an XBSA application
- How to run a NetBackup XBSA application
- API reference
- Function calls
- Function specifications
- Type definitions
- Process flow and troubleshooting
- How to use the sample files
- Support and updates
- Appendix A. Register authorized locations
Set the value of a single XBSA environment value.
#include <nbbsa.h>
int NBBSAGetEnv(BSA_Handle bsaHandle, char *EnvVar, char *EnvVal, int *ValSize)
NBBSAGetEnv() gives the XBSA application the ability to retrieve the value of a specific XBSA environment variable. The same results can be achieved by calling BSAGetEnvironment() and evaluating for the specific variable being sought.
BSA_Handle bsaHandle (I) | The handle that associates this call with a previous BSAInit() call. |
char *EnvVar (I) | Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the environment variable. |
char *EnvVal (O) | Pointer to a buffer to receive the value of the specified environment variable. |
int *ValSize (I/O) | Pointer to the size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the EnvVal parameter. Returns the size of EnvVal. |
The following return codes are returned by this function:
BSA_RC_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer pointed to by EnvVal is not large enough, The buffer size, in characters, required to hold the value string and its terminating null character is stored in the location pointed to by ValSize. |
BSA_RC_INVALID_ENV | The specified environment variable name was not found in the XBSA environment block for the current session. |
BSA_RC_SUCCESS | The function succeeded. |