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Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
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- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup KMS status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
- Robotic status codes
- Robotic status codes
- Robotic status codes
- Robotic error codes
- Robotic error codes
- Robotic error codes
- Security services status codes
- Security services status codes
- Security services status codes
- NetBackup alert notification status codes
NetBackup status code: 6708
Explanation: Failed to parse the Mongo command output or did not get any output from the Mongo command.
Recommended Action: Refer to the mdbserver
logs to get more details of the command status and its failure. Retry the operation and if the issue persists, visit the Veritas Technical Support website. The Veritas Technical Support website offers additional information to help you troubleshoot this issue.
Click here to view technical notes and other information on the Veritas Technical Support website about this status code.