Veritas NetBackup™ Replication Director Solutions Guide
- Introduction
- Additional configuration topics
- Creating a NetBackup storage server for snapshot replication
- Configuring disk pools for snapshot and replication
- About disk pools for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Using bpstsinfo to view the replication topology of a device
- Configuring storage units and storage unit groups for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Configuring storage lifecycle policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy
- Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations
- Configuring backup policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
- About NDMP support for Replication Director
- Restoring from a snapshot
- About restores from array-based snapshots of virtual machines
- OpsCenter reporting
- Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
- Supported NetApp topologies
- Using NetApp Data ONTAP 7-mode with Replication Director
- About using NetApp SAN-connected storage with Replication Director
- Using NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
- Using Oracle with Replication Director
- Using Virtual Machines with Replication Director
- Terminology
Configuring an Oracle Intelligent Policy
Use the following procedure to configure an Oracle snapshot policy that uses Replication Director. This procedure uses the Oracle Intelligent Policy, which makes configuration easier.
Only those policy options that are necessary to configure Replication Director are listed in the following procedure. For descriptions of all policy options, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I or the online Help.
For Oracle-specific information, see the NetBackup for Oracle Administrator's Guide.
To create an Oracle Intelligent Policy
- In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand NetBackup Management > Policies.
- On the Actions menu, click New > New Policy.
- Type a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box and click OK.
Do not use the Policy Configuration Wizard to configure a policy for Replication Director.
- Select the Attributes tab. The following items are specific to creating an Oracle policy for snapshots with Replication Director:
Policy type
For NetBackup to perform Oracle backups, select Oracle. An Oracle tab appears.
Policy storage
Oracle combines snapshots (proxy) and stream-based backups as part of the same backup. The storage that is indicated here is used for the stream-based part of the Replication Director backup.
Select a storage lifecycle policy that is configured to contain the stream-based (non-snapshot) part of the database backup. The storage must use a storage lifecycle policy that is configured for non-snapshot backups.
Use Replication Director
Enable Use Replication Director to automatically select other options that Replication Director requires:
Perform snapshot backups: Ensures that the policy creates snapshots of the disk array.
Retain snapshots for Instant Recovery or SLP management: Ensures that the policy retains the snapshot after the backup completes.
Options button
Auto (default): The OpenStorage partner uses the best snapshot technology available to that partner to create the snapshot.
Differential: The OpenStorage partner creates a snapshot that is completely dependent on the source. This parameter is based on copy-on-write technology. The device creates a cache object to maintain the original blocks of the snapshot when the blocks are modified.
Plex: The OpenStorage Partner creates a snapshot that is completely independent of the source snapshot. This option is based on mirror-break-off technology. When a mirror device is attached to the source, the contents of the mirror device is exactly the same as the source device. When the relationship is broken between the two, the mirror device is separated from the source. The mirror device acts as a point-in-time copy.
Clone: The OpenStorage Partner creates an independent copy of the volume. The copy process can take some time as the entire copy must be complete. The snapshot that is created is independent of the source.
Maximum Snapshots
Sets the maximum number of snapshots to be retained at one time.
The default setting is one. Choose the number of snapshots that is appropriate for your environment. Note that the maximum number of snapshots on a NetApp volume is 255.
When the maximum is reached, snapshot rotation occurs: The next snapshot causes the oldest to be deleted.
See Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP operations.
Managed by SLP retention is automatically selected if the Fixed or the Expire after Copy retention is currently selected in the SLP.
- Select the Schedules tab. Create one schedule:
Type of backup: Select Full Backup. The Full Backup is used for both the snapshot (proxy) part of the database and the non-snapshot (stream-based) part of the Oracle database.
The Oracle Intelligent Policy does not support the snapshot of an Archived Redo Log Backup. To take a snapshot of the archived redo logs, use the script- or template-based Oracle policy method.
Unless creating Block Level Incremental (BLI) backups, always select Full Backup to create snapshots of the Oracle database.
Override policy storage selection: Enable and select the SLP that is configured for snapshot replication. (A snapshot SLP is one in which the first operation is a snapshot operation.) This option must be enabled so that the schedule storage overrides the policy storage with a snapshot SLP.
Retention: The retention for the streamed data is based on the non-snapshot SLP that was indicated as the Policy storage in Step 4.
The non-snapshot SLP specified on the policy storage in Step 4 determines the retention for the streamed data.
The snapshot SLP that is specified as the schedule storage (Override policy storage selection) determines the retention for the snapshot data.
Click OK to save the schedule.
- Select the Instances and Databases tab and specify the instances to back up. The policy must include at least one instance. To continue to use the Oracle Intelligent Policy method, select either Protect instances or Protect instance groups.
- Select the Backup Selections tab. Select the parts of the database to back up. Note that the selection applies to all listed instances.
The following can be selected for the policies that use Replication Director:
Whole database: Backs up the entire database (default).
Partial database - Tablespaces: Backs up the tablespaces.
Partial database - Datafiles: Backs up the data files.
Fast Recovery Area (FRA): Do not select for a policy that uses Replication Director.
Database Backup Shares: Do not select for a policy that uses Replication Director.
Whole Database - Datafile Copy Share: Do not select for a policy that uses Replication Director.
- Select the Oracle tab to configure Oracle RMAN properties.
- When the policy configuration is complete, click OK.