Veritas NetBackup™ Replication Director Solutions Guide
- Introduction
- Additional configuration topics
- Creating a NetBackup storage server for snapshot replication
- Configuring disk pools for snapshot and replication
- About disk pools for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Using bpstsinfo to view the replication topology of a device
- Configuring storage units and storage unit groups for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Configuring storage lifecycle policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy
- Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations
- Configuring backup policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
- About NDMP support for Replication Director
- Restoring from a snapshot
- About restores from array-based snapshots of virtual machines
- OpsCenter reporting
- Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
- Supported NetApp topologies
- Using NetApp Data ONTAP 7-mode with Replication Director
- About using NetApp SAN-connected storage with Replication Director
- Using NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
- Using Oracle with Replication Director
- Using Virtual Machines with Replication Director
- Terminology
Creating storage units for a Replication Director configuration
A storage unit is a label that NetBackup associates with physical storage. For snapshots and snapshot replication, a storage unit is configured to contain one snapshot disk pool.
Storage unit creation is part of several other wizards. However, a storage unit can be created directly from the Storage utility in the NetBackup Administration Console.
To create a storage unit for snapshots or snapshot replication
- In the NetBackup Administration Console, select the Storage utility.
- Select Actions > New > New Storage Unit.
- Enter a Storage unit name.
- Select the Storage unit type. For snapshots and snapshot replication, select Disk.
- Select a Disk type.
The Disk type identifies the type of storage unit. To configure snapshots and snapshot replication, select OpenStorage (Vendor name).
- A storage unit can contain either snapshot images or non-snapshot backup images, but it cannot contain both. In the Storage unit configured for drop-down list, indicate what the storage unit is to contain:
Backup storage unit
Upon selection, only those disk pools that can contain non-snapshot backups are displayed in the dialog box.
Snapshot storage unit
To configure snapshots and snapshot replication, select Snapshot.
Upon selection, only those disk pools that can contain snapshots are displayed in the dialog box. Once a storage unit contains snapshots, it cannot contain non-snapshot backups.
- Specify the properties that are required for the storage unit. Selecting a property filters the disk pools and displays only those that have the property selected.
For example, select Replication source and Replication target to display the disk pools that are configured to be both replication sources and targets for other replications. If no properties are selected, all disk pools appear.
(If you already know the name of the disk pool that has the properties that you want, select the disk pool from the Select disk pool drop-down menu. In that case, no filtering is necessary.)
- In the Select disk pool drop-down list, select the disk pool that this storage unit is to contain. A storage unit can contain only one disk pool.
Click View Properties to display the properties of the selected disk pool.
- Select the media server(s) that can use the storage unit.
Use any available media server to transport data
NetBackup selects any media server to access the storage unit.
Use only the following media servers
NetBackup uses only the media server(s) that are specified to access the storage unit.
Only the media servers that have the OpenStorage plug-in installed appear in this list. For a media server to communicate with and have access to a storage server, it must be added to the Replication Director environment.
See Adding the storage server credentials to a NetBackup server.
A storage unit can represent many physical devices. When a storage unit is a replication target, NetBackup lets the plug-in select which device to use within the storage unit. For replication jobs, storage units and storage unit groups ignore the Maximum concurrent jobs setting. NetBackup does not attempt to throttle the parameters.
- Click OK to save the storage unit configuration.