Veritas NetBackup™ Replication Director Solutions Guide
- Introduction
- Additional configuration topics
- Creating a NetBackup storage server for snapshot replication
- Configuring disk pools for snapshot and replication
- About disk pools for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Using bpstsinfo to view the replication topology of a device
- Configuring storage units and storage unit groups for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Configuring storage lifecycle policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
- Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy
- Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Snapshot operation in an SLP
- Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations
- Configuring backup policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
- About NDMP support for Replication Director
- Restoring from a snapshot
- About restores from array-based snapshots of virtual machines
- OpsCenter reporting
- Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
- Supported NetApp topologies
- Using NetApp Data ONTAP 7-mode with Replication Director
- About using NetApp SAN-connected storage with Replication Director
- Using NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
- Using Oracle with Replication Director
- Using Virtual Machines with Replication Director
- Terminology
Determining where and when the Index From Snapshot operation occurs
Including the Index From Snapshot operation requires some consideration as the operation can consume system resources and require additional time to perform. For example, to perform the operation can require that a snapshot be mounted or that NetBackup gather content details from the file system to populate the catalog.
To help mitigate the extra resource and time that the operation may take, the system administrator can control when and where the Index From Snapshot operation runs:
Use the storage lifecycle policy Window tab to schedule when the Index From Snapshot operation can run. Schedule the operation to run when it is least likely to interfere with other jobs.
Use the following points to determine where to position the Index From Snapshot operation in the SLP operations list:
Each NetBackup environment needs to determine where the operation works best in a specific SLP. To place the Index From Snapshot operation too early (toward the top of the operations list), may consume time when the restore capabilities are not needed. To place the operation toward the end of the operations list may cause the administrator to delay a restore until earlier snapshots or replications complete.
Use the Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP only once. A restore can be performed from any snapshot after one image .f file is created.
Any operations list that includes a Backup From Snapshot operation does not need an Index From Snapshot operation. The Backup From Snapshot operation creates an image .f file. The only exception is if the index is needed for restores before the Backup From Snapshot operation occurs.
An Index From Snapshot operation cannot have any dependents. An SLP cannot validate an Index From Snapshot operation with children. Figure: Example 1 of a valid placement of the Index From Snapshot operation shows an SLP with a valid configuration.
Figure: Example 2 of a valid placement of the Index From Snapshot operation is also a valid configuration. A Replication operation follows the Index From Snapshot operation, but it is not indented. The Replication operation is a child of the Snapshot operation, not a child of the Index From Snapshot operation.
To add a Replication operation after an Index From Snapshot operation, click on the Snapshot operation, and then click Add.