Special Demonstration of NetBackup SaaS Protection: The Secret to SaaS

Access the NetBackup SaaS Protection Demo webinar
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How can you protect your critical SaaS application data from accidental and malicious deletion and threats such as ransomware? Watch this on-demand webinar, including a special demonstration of NetBackup SaaS Protection and find out how.

Consider these:

  1. 71% of employees admit to sharing critical company data using instant messaging and business collaboration tools*
  2. 88% of organisations have experienced unplanned downtime in the last 12 months**
  3. It is YOUR responsibility to back up your SaaS data – NOT your SaaS provider

Our regional Solutions Engineers, Ranganatha Bharadwaj, Devid Cassandra and Amit Gupte demonstrate how you can back up and quickly recover your data across the most popular collaboration platforms; Microsoft 365, Google Drive, Box and Slack, using NetBackup SaaS Protection – enterprise protection built to scale, perform and enforce compliance.

* The Veritas Hidden Threat of Business Collaboration Report, Veritas, March 2021
**The Vulnerability Lag Report, Veritas, September 2021

Amit Gupte
Solutions Engineer

Ranganatha Bharadwaj
Solutions Engineer

Devid Casandra
Solutions Engineer