Veritas NetBackup™ Administrator's Guide, Volume II
- NetBackup licensing models and the nbdeployutil utility
- About NetBackup licensing models
- nbdeployutil utility options
- Creating and viewing the licensing report
- After creating a traditional licensing report
- After creating a capacity licensing report
- Reconciling the capacity licensing report results
- Additional configuration
- About dynamic host name and IP addressing
- About busy file processing on UNIX clients
- About the Shared Storage Option
- About configuring the Shared Storage Option in NetBackup
- Viewing SSO summary reports
- About the vm.conf configuration file
- Holds Management
- Menu user interfaces on UNIX
- About the tpconfig device configuration utility
- About the NetBackup Disk Configuration Utility
- Reference topics
- Host name rules
- About reading backup images with nbtar or tar32.exe
- Factors that affect backup time
- NetBackup notify scripts
- Media and device management best practices
- About TapeAlert
- About tape drive cleaning
- How NetBackup reserves drives
- About SCSI persistent reserve
- About the SPC-2 SCSI reserve process
- About checking for data loss
- About checking for tape and driver configuration errors
- How NetBackup selects media
- About Tape I/O commands on UNIX
Adding robots
When you configure robots and drives, first add the robots by using the Robot Configuration menu. Then add the drives by using the Drive Configuration menu.
To change standalone drives to robotic, use the Drive Configuration menu.
option of theTo add a robot
- Select the Robot Configuration menu.
- Select the Add option.
- From the list of possible robot types, select the one you want to add.
- Enter a robot number that you know is unused or accept the default robot number.
- Indicate where the robotic control for the library is by entering the device file path or library name. The Help option on the Robot Configuration menu has examples of typical path names.
If robotic control is on another host, enter that host name.
For an ACS robot, enter the name of the ACS library software host. For a TLM robot, enter the name of the DAS or Scalar DLC server.
If robotic control is on this host, enter the device file path or library name. The Help option on the Robot Configuration menu has examples of typical path names.
For an ACS robot, enter the name of the ACS library software host.
For a TLH robot on an AIX system, enter the LMCP Device File; otherwise, enter the Automated Tape Library Name.
For a TLM robot, enter the name of the DAS or Scalar DLC server.
- If no conflicts are detected with the new configuration, a message appears to indicate that the robot was added.
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