Veritas NetBackup™ Flex Scale Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (3.0)
Platform: NetBackup Flex Scale OS
  1. Product overview
      About Veritas NetBackup™ Flex Scale
  2. Viewing information about the NetBackup Flex Scale cluster environment
      Accessing NetBackup Flex Scale and NetBackup
      Accessing the NetBackup web user interface on the appliance
      About the NetBackup Flex Scale management console
    4. About the Dashboard view
        Viewing all the activities
      Working with NetBackup Flex Scale APIs
  3. NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure management
    1. User management
        Considerations for managing NetBackup Flex Scale users
        Adding users
        Changing user password
        Removing users
        Considerations for configuring AD/LDAP
        Configuring AD server for Universal shares and Instant Access
        Configuring AD/LDAP servers for NetBackup services
        Configuring additional AD/LDAP servers for managing NetBackup services/Universal Shares/Instant Access
        Configuring AD/LDAP servers on clusters deployed with only media servers
        Directory services and certificate management
      Region settings management
      About NetBackup Flex Scale storage
    4. About Universal Shares
        Creating a Protection Point for a Universal Share
    5. Node and disk management
        NetBackup Flex Scale network cabling
      2. Adding a node to the cluster using the NetBackup Flex Scale web interface
          Considerations for adding a node when disaster recovery is configured
        Adding a node using the REST APIs
        Replacing a node in a cluster
        Starting and stopping nodes
        Replacing a disk
        Viewing disk details
        Viewing node details
    6. License management
        Adding or removing storage licenses
        Adding NetBackup licenses
  4. NetBackup Flex Scale network management
      About network management
      Modifying DNS settings
      About bonding Ethernet interfaces
    4. Bonding operations
        Creating a bond
        Modifying a bond
        Removing a bond
      Configuring NetBackup Flex Scale in a non-DNS environment
    6. Data network configurations
      1. Network configuration on plain device (eth5)
          Adding a data network
          Modifying a data network
          Deleting a data network
        Network configuration on VLAN (eth5)
      3. Network configuration on bonded interfaces (bond0 on eth5 and eth7)
          Adding a data network
        VLAN on bond of eth5 and eth7 (bond0)
        Support for multiple VLAN when disaster recovery is configured
  5. NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure monitoring
    1. About alert management
        Viewing information about alerts
        Managing alerts
    2. About event notification
        Purging events
    3. About AutoSupport and Call Home
        Setting up email alerts
        Setting up SNMP alerts
        Configuring Call Home settings
      Monitoring hardware components
      Monitoring usage and licensed capacity using Veritas NetInsights Console
  6. Resiliency in NetBackup Flex Scale
      Erasure coding in NetBackup Flex Scale
      Handling split-brain scenario in NetBackup Flex Scale
      High availability of the NetBackup primary service
      High availability of NetBackup services
      NetBackup catalog protection
    6. NetBackup primary service catalog protection using checkpoints
        Performing a recovery of the catalog file system using GUI
        Performing a recovery of the catalog file system using REST APIs
  7. EMS server configuration
      Configuring an external BYOS media server
      Configuring an external NBA media server
  8. Site-based disaster recovery in NetBackup Flex Scale
      About site-based disaster recovery in NetBackup Flex Scale
      Configuring disaster recovery using GUI
      Clearing the host cache
      Managing disaster recovery using GUI
    5. Performing disaster recovery using RESTful APIs
        Establishing trust and setting up authentication
        Configuring disaster recovery
        Managing disaster recovery
      Active-Active disaster recovery configuration
      NetBackup optimized duplication using Storage Lifecycle Policies
  9. NetBackup Flex Scale security
    1. STIG overview for NetBackup Flex Scale
        STIG-compliant password policy rules
        Enabling STIG for NetBackup Flex Scale
        Viewing the NetBackup Flex Scale STIG status
    2. FIPS overview for NetBackup Flex Scale
        Viewing the NetBackup Flex Scale FIPS status
      Managing the login banner
      Changing the password policy
    5. Support for immutability in NetBackup Flex Scale
        About lockdown modes
        Selecting or changing the lockdown mode
        Configuring immutability using GUI
    6. Deploying external certificates on NetBackup Flex Scale
        Deploying ECA using the GUI
        Log locations
        Considerations for performing other operations when ECA is deployed
  10. Troubleshooting
      Services management
    2. Collecting logs for cluster nodes
        Uploading logs to Veritas Support
        Downloading logs
      Checking and repairing storage
    4. Troubleshooting NetBackup Flex Scale issues
        If cluster configuration fails (for example because an IP address that was already in use is specified) and you try to reconfigure the cluster, the UI displays an error but the configuration process continues to run
        Validation error while adding VMware credentials to NetBackup
        NetBackup Web UI incorrectly displays some NetBackup Flex Scale processes as failed
        Unable to create BMR Shared Resource Tree (SRT) on NetBackup Flex Scale Appliance
        NetBackup configuration files are not persistent across operations that require restarting the system
  11. Appendix A. Configuring NetBackup optimized duplication
    1. Configuring a Storage Lifecycle Policy for optimized duplication
        Creating a Storage Lifecycle Policy for optimized duplication
        Configuring a policy to use an SLP
        Updating the policy to reverse the replication direction
  12. Appendix B. Disaster recovery terminologies
      VVR technology in disaster recovery
      About response fields in the GET disaster recovery API
  13. Appendix C. Configuring Auto Image Replication
      Auto Image Replication configuration

Replacing a node in a cluster

You can replace a cluster node if the node is in an unhealthy state because of a hardware failure that cannot be repaired, such as a boot disk or a power supply failure.

When you replace the node, data from the faulted node is rebuilt on the new node. During this time, the backup and recovery operations continue to run on the remaining healthy nodes in the cluster.

The network settings and the node name of the faulted node are assigned to the new node. After the NetBackup services fail over to the new node, it can run backup and recovery jobs.


After a node is deleted from the cluster, its private IP addresses are kept reserved in the cluster and are not used when a new node is added in the cluster.

Review the following guidelines for replacing a node:

  • You can replace only a single node at a time.

  • The new node must have the same hardware configuration as the existing cluster nodes.

  • You cannot perform any other node operations such as adding a new node when the node is being replaced. A node cannot be replaced if any of the previous cluster reconfiguration tasks are in progress or have failed.

  • All the private and public NICs of the node where the management server is running must be up. If any of the NICs are down, the replace node operation fails.

  • You cannot replace a node if there is more than one faulty node in a cluster of up to five nodes. A 5-node cluster provides resiliency of one node and a disk. A cluster with six or more nodes provides resiliency of two nodes, or two SSDs, or four HDDs. For a cluster with six or more nodes, if two or more nodes are faulty, contact Veritas Support. You must contact Veritas Support if failures exceed the supported fault tolerance.

  • If you repair the faulty node and plan to use the same node as a replacement node, Veritas recommends that you reinstall the NetBackup Flex Scale ISO image on the node and perform a factory reset to reset the node to its default factory settings.

  • If site-based disaster recovery is configured, wait at least two hours after a node failure before attempting to replace the node.

Before you replace the node, ensure that the following requirements are met.

ISO image

Power on the new node and install the NetBackup Flex Scale ISO image on the node that you want to add to the cluster. Ensure that EEB 4067542 is installed on the node. For more details, see the NetBackup Flex Scale Installation and Configuration Guide.

You must format the disks and ensure that no data is present on the disks; else the replace node operation will fail.

Network cabling

The new node that you want to use to replace the existing node must be connected to the same private and public network as that of the existing cluster. For details about the cabling information, See NetBackup Flex Scale network cabling.

System clock

Ensure that the system clock of the new node is in sync with the cluster nodes. If the system clock is not synchronized, the replace node operation fails.

To replace a faulted node from the cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Use any one of the following options to log in using the user account that you created when you configured the cluster:
    • Use a user account with both Appliance Administrator and NetBackup Administrator role, or a user account with only an Appliance administrator role to log in to the NetBackup Flex Scale web interface https://ManagementServerIPorFQDN/webui where ManagementServerIPorFQDN is the public IP address or the FQDN that you specified for the NetBackup Flex Scale management server and API gateway during the cluster configuration, and then in the left pane click Cluster Monitor > Infrastructure.

    • Use a user account with an Appliance Administrator role to log in to the NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure management console https://ManagementServerIPorFQDN:14161 where ManagementServerIPorFQDN is the public IP address or the FQDN that you specified for the NetBackup Flex Scale management server and API gateway during the cluster configuration, and then in the left pane click Monitor > Infrastructure.

  2. Click the Nodes tab.

    The list of cluster nodes is displayed with the unhealthy node marked in faulted state.

  3. If the node that you want to replace is up but in an unhealthy state because of a hardware failure, power off the node. To power off the node, click the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) from the right side of the row in the UI, and click Shutdown node.

    If you are in the NetBackup Flex Scale UI, when prompted, click Open cluster console to open the NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure management console in a new browser tab. In the NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure management console, when prompted to confirm, click Shut down node.

  4. Click Scan for nodes to discover the nodes that are connected to the private network and can be used to replace the unhealthy node.

    The nodes in the private network are discovered and displayed under the Discovered nodes section with details such as the node name, serial number, and status.

  5. For the unhealthy node, click the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) from the right side of the row in the UI, and click Replace node.

    If you are in the NetBackup Flex Scale UI, when prompted, click Open cluster console to open the NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure management console in a new browser tab. In the NetBackup Flex Scale infrastructure management console, when prompted to confirm, click Replace node.

  6. In the Replace node dialog box, complete the following steps:
    • Set the priority to backup and recovery jobs or data rebalancing. Click Overall system performance to set the priority to NetBackup backup and recovery jobs while data rebalancing runs in the background at a lower priority. Click Faster reconfiguration to set the priority to rebalancing data across the cluster. This option increases the speed of node replacement operations so that the new node can begin participating in backup and recovery operations faster but can affect the backup and recovery jobs. The time it takes to rebalance is dependent upon the amount of data being moved between nodes and the priority being set. By default the priority is set to Overall system performance.

    • Select the node that you want to use to replace the unhealthy node.

    • Click Replace node.

  7. To monitor the status of each of the tasks and the progress of the replace node operation click View details on the pop-up window that is displayed on the Infrastructure page. The ongoing and completed tasks for the replace node operation are also displayed in Recent activity or you can go to the Dashboard to check the health of all the nodes.

    Before adding the selected node to the cluster, the replace node operation synchronizes the patches or add-ons that are installed on the cluster with the node. However if the version on the selected node is later than the cluster nodes, the replace node operation cannot proceed. If AutoSupport and Call Home settings are configured for the cluster, these settings are synchronized with the node.

    After the unhealthy node is replaced, you can view the new node and its details on the Nodes tab. The STIG status of cluster is synchronized with this new node. If the STIG option is enabled for the cluster, the STIG option is also enabled for the node and vice versa. The FIPS option is enabled for the node as this option is enabled with the default factory settings for the Veritas Operating System (VxOS) and for NetBackup MSDP when you create a NetBackup Flex Scale cluster.