Veritas™ Usage Insights for NetBackup Getting Started Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection (10.4, 10.3, 10.2, 10.1.1, 10.1, 10.0, 9.1, 9.0, 8.3)

Data protection, privacy, and security standards

Veritas is committed to your privacy and your data security. Usage Insights does not provide Veritas any visibility to customer's data content including personally identifiable information. Usage Insights collects limited configuration data that some customers may deem sensitive, such as the host name and IP addresses. Veritas recognizes the sensitivity of this data in the eyes of the customer and upholds stringent practices to secure it. NetBackup obfuscates sensitive data. Veritas adheres to the European GDPR rules and regulations. For more information about how Veritas manages customer privacy and our commitment to GDPR refer to the following site:

How does Veritas ensure your private information stays private?

Veritas Usage Insights does not collect user or business data. Additionally, Veritas Usage Insights does not collect any data that describes files, databases, and other proprietary information.

Once the data is collected on your local computers, any unique customer information is obscured using a hash algorithm. NetBackup obfuscates any fields where you are prompted to enter user information. Policy names and server names are examples of obfuscated data. Veritas uses a cryptographic hash algorithm to mask customer-specific data.

Which fields are obfuscated from Usage Insights?

The following fields are obfuscated from json:

  • master_server

  • policy_name

  • client_name

  • cluster

  • datacenter

  • host

For NetBackup 8.1.2 or later, the following fields are obfuscated:

master_server, policy_name, and client_name

If you have downloaded and installed the latest NetBackup 8.1.2 nbdeployutil EEB or if you are using NetBackup 8.2 or later that has support for all licenses, the following fields are obfuscated with NetBackup 8.1.2 or later and NetBackup 8.2 or later:

Cluster, datacenter, and host

From NetBackup telemetry, the following fields are obfuscated with NetBackup 8.2 or later:

  • IP address

  • host name

  • FQDN

IP type returns Yes or No values (1 or 0) for whether IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled.

The hostID is generated by the telemetry agent to uniquely identify hosts; it is not specific to any other software or value.

The platform and architecture data are not obfuscated. This is not personally identifiable information.

How does Veritas secure the data in transit?

After the data is collected and any unique customer information is obscured, the data is transmitted securely to Veritas using industry standard encryption methods. In addition, all Usage Insights traffic from your network is outbound only.

Usage Insights uses the HTTPS protocol to secure the data in transit. You must configure your firewall to allow HTTPS traffic out of your network to take advantage of Usage Insights. All data is maintained securely on Veritas servers in accordance with Veritas' privacy standards.

Veritas uses the following standards to protect the data that is sent to Veritas:

  • MD5 and SHA256: Hashing algorithms used for obfuscating customer information.

  • HTTPS (SSL/TLS encrypted): Used in data transmission.

How is the data maintained securely at Veritas?

After obfuscation on-site and secure transmission to Veritas, the data is stored in the Amazon S3 cloud. The S3 data is encrypted with AES-256.