Veritas NetBackup™ for Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide
- Introducing NetBackup for SQL Server
- Installation and host configuration
- Host configuration and job settings
- Managing SQL Server objects for use with SQL Server Intelligent Policies
- About discovery of SQL Server objects
- About registering SQL Server instances and availability replicas
- Registering instances or availability replicas with an instance group
- Configuring backups with SQL Server Intelligent Policy
- About tuning parameters for SQL Server backups
- Performing restores of SQL Server
- Redirecting a SQL Server database to a different host
- Protecting SQL Server data with VMware backups
- About protecting an application database with VMware backups
- Configuring backups with Snapshot Client
- Using copy-only snapshot backups to affect how differentials are based
- About SQL Server agent grouped backups (legacy SQL Server policies)
- Protecting SQL Server availability groups
- Protecting SQL Server availability groups with intelligent policies
- Protecting SQL Server availibility groups with legacy policies
- About protecting the preferred replica in a SQL Server availability group (legacy backup policies)
- About protecting a specific node in a SQL Server availability group (legacy backup policies)
- About protecting the preferred replica in a SQL Server availability group (legacy backup policies)
- Protecting SQL Server in a cluster environment
- Configuring backups with legacy SQL Server policies using clients and batch files
- About using batch files with NetBackup for SQL Server
- About schedule properties
- Performing user-directed backups of SQL Server databases
- Performing user-directed backups of read-only filegroups
- Using NetBackup for SQL Server with multiple NICs
- Performance and troubleshooting
- About debug logging for SQL Server troubleshooting
- About disaster recovery of SQL Server
- Appendix A. Other configurations
- About SQL Server backups and restores in an SAP environment
- Appendix B. Register authorized locations
Keywords and values used in batch files
Table: Keywords and values used in batch files describes the keywords and values that can be used in batch files.
Table: Keywords and values used in batch files
Keyword and description | Type and values |
ALTCLIENT (Same as BROWSECLIENT) - Restores the images from a host other than the local host. | String Default: None Required: No |
BACKUPMODEL - Valid only for restore. Indicates whether the backup was originated from a snapshot method. | BACKUPMODEL_ CONVENTIONAL, BACKUPMODEL_ SNAPSHOT Default: BACKUPMODEL_CONVENTIONAL Required: No |
BATCHSIZE - Number of backup operations to start simultaneously, per database instance. Applies to all of the operations in the batch file. Must appear before the end of the first operation. Range is 1 - 32. | Integer Default: 1 Required: No |
BLOCKSIZE - Applicable for backup operations only. Block size is calculated as 512 bytes * 2BLOCKSIZE. Range is 0 - 7. | Integer Default: 0 Required: No |
BROWSECLIENT (Same as ALTCLIENT) - Restores the images from a host other than the local host. | String Default: None Required: No |
CONSISTENCYCHECK - Performs the specified consistency check after the restore has been completed. | FULLINCLUDINGINDICES, FULLEXCLUDINGINDICES, PHYSICALCHECKONLY, CHECKCATALOG Default: None Required: No |
CONVERTBACKUP - If no previous full backup exists for the database or filegroup, then NetBackup converts the differential or log backup to a full backup. This option also detects if a full recovery database was switched to the simple recovery model and back to the full recovery model. In this scenario, the log chain is broken and SQL Server requires a differential backup before a subsequent log backup can be created. If NetBackup detects this situation, the backup is converted to a differential database backup. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
COPYONLY - If TRUE, SQL Server creates an out-of-band backup so that it does not interfere with the normal backup sequence. The default value is FALSE except for full database Instant Recovery backups. | TRUE, FALSE Default: See description Required: No |
DATABASE - Name of database. For backup operations, specify value $ALL to designate all databases (except for tempdb.) | String Default: None Required: Yes |
DBMS - You can specify MSSQL only. | MSSQL Default: MSSQL Required: No |
DUMPOPTION - Specifies INCREMENTAL restoring from an incremental backup. | INCREMENTAL Default: None Required: No |
ENABLESERVICEBROKER - Enables SQL Server Service Broker after a restore operation. To take effect, RECOVERED STATE must be set to RECOVERED. Include this keyword in each individual RESTORE operation. | TRUE Default: None Required: No |
ENDOPER - Terminates each operation that is specified in the batch file. | TRUE Default: None Required: Yes |
EXCLUDE - Name of a database to exclude when DATABASE $ALL is specified in a batch operation EXCLUDE can be used in a batch file only if DATABASE $ALL is used. | String Default: None Required: No |
GROUPSIZE - The number of databases that are snapped as a single SQL Server backup image. Range is 2-31. (Legacy policies) For availability group backups, all databases in the grouped backup must be part of the availability group. NetBackup does not support any grouped snapshot backups that include both standard databases and availability databases. (Intelligent Policies) NetBackup does not support grouped snapshot backups. | Integer Default: None Required: No |
INHIBITALTBUFFER METHOD - Tells NetBackup whether to consider the candidacy of alternate buffer method. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
KEEPCDC - (NetBackup 9.1 and later clients) Preserves the change data capture settings when a database or log backup is recovered. This option is not valid with the RECOVEREDSTATE NOTRECOVERED option. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
MAXRESTARTSETS - Use MAXRESTARTSETS to enable file checkpointing. This parameter specifies the number of separate streams into which the backup request is sub-divided. Range is 2 - 32. | Integer Default: None Required: No |
MAXTRANSFERSIZE - Maximum transfer size is calculated as 64 kilobytes bytes * 2MAXTRANSFERSIZE. Range is 0 - 6. | Integer Default: 0 Required: No |
MOVE - Specifies a filegroup name. Used for the MOVE restore type. For any backups that were made with a SQL Server legacy policy, the PARTIAL restore type also applies. | Filegroup Default: None Required: No |
NBIMAGE - Specifies a NetBackup image for the restore operations. See note for NBSERVER. * Required for restore operations. | String Default: None Required: Yes* |
NBSCHED - If the NetBackup policy has several Application Backup Policy schedules, use NBSCHED to select amongst them. | String Default: None Required: No |
NBSERVER - Specifies which master server to use for the backup or restore operation. Note: If NBSERVER is not specified in a batch file operation, the master server defaults to the name that is specified at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server\DEFAULT_SQL_NB_MASTER_SERVER. | String Default: None Required: No |
NUMBUFS - Number of buffers per stripe. Range is 1 - 32. | Integer Default: 1 Required: No |
NUMRESTARTS - The number of times to retry a backup if RESTARTTYPE AUTO is specified. Use this keyword only once in the batch file and in the first operation of the batch file. | 1-9 Default: 1 Required: No |
OBJECTNAME - Specifies a file or a filegroup name for file or for filegroup backups and restores, * If OBJECTTYPE= FILE or FILEGROUP. | String Default: None Required: Yes* |
OBJECTTYPE - Specifies the object you want to back up or restore, a database, transaction log, filegroup, or file. | DATABASE, TRXLOG, FILEGROUP, FILE Default: DATABASE Required: No |
OPERATION - Type of operation, either backup or restore. | BACKUP, RESTORE Default: BACKUP Required: No |
PAGE - Ignored for a restore if the backup was performed with SQL Server Intelligent Policy. Specifies a page ID for a page restore operation. | Page ID Default: None Required: No |
PARTIAL - Ignored for a restore if the backup was performed with SQL Server Intelligent Policy. Specifies NetBackup perform a partial backup or restore. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
PASSWORD - Password for logging into SQL Server. This keyword is ignored if you use integrated security. | String Default: null |
PREFERREDREPLICA - For each operation in the batch file, include this keyword. (All NetBackup versions) TRUE honors your SQL Server backup preferences. FALSE indicates there is no preference for the replica that is used for backup. (NetBackup 8.2 and later clients) NONE: The backup is performed on the specified instance. SKIP: Ignores any availability databases on the instance. PRIMARY and PREFERRED apply to availability replicas and to instances that have both standard databases and availability databases. PRIMARY: The primary replica is used for backup. PREFERRED: Honors your SQL Server backup preferences. | NONE, PRIMARY, PREFERRED,SKIP, TRUE, FALSE Default: PRIMARY |
RECOVERED STATE - RECOVERED = The database is restored to the recovered state. NOTRECOVERED = The database remains in the loading state following the restore. STANDBY = The database is restored to the standby state. The STANDBYPATH keyword is also required. TRUE and FALSE are synonyms for RECOVERED and NOTRECOVERED. | RECOVERED, STANDBY, NOTRECOVERED, TRUE, FALSE Default: RECOVERED Required: No |
RESTARTTYPE Available only for backups. Use AUTO to automatically retry backup of failed objects. Use MANUAL to create a batch file for backing up any of the objects that were not successfully backed up. Use this keyword only once in the batch file and in the first operation of the batch file. | AUTO, MANUAL Default: None Required: No |
RESTARTWAITSECONDS - The time to make a second attempt following a backup failure. Use this keyword only once in the batch file and in the first operation of the batch file. | Integer number Default: 60 Required: No |
RESTOREBEFOREMARK- Recovers the transaction log to a point before the occurrence of a transaction log mark. | String Default: None Required: No |
RESTOREBEFOREMARK AFTERTIME - Recovers the transaction log to a point before the occurrence of a transaction log mark, but after a point in time (STOPAFTER). | String Default: None Required: No |
RESTORECOPYNUM - (NetBackup 9.1 and later clients) Allows the agent to recover from non-primary copies. This number represents the copy number to use for restore. Copy selection is only available with the NetBackup web UI when the user selects the copy along with a storage server and storage location. Range is 0-10. Copy 0 is the primary copy and a value of 1-10 represents a specific copy. | Integer Default: 0 Required: No |
RESTOREOPTION - Tells NetBackup to use the SQL Server replace option on a restore. | REPLACE Default: None Required: No |
RESTOREPAGES - Ignored for a restore if the backup was performed with SQL Server Intelligent Policy. Specifies that NetBackup perform a page restore operation. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
RESTORETOMARK - Recovers the transaction log to a transaction log mark. | String Default: None Required: No |
RESTORETOMARK AFTERTIME - Recovers the transaction log to a transaction log mark, but after a point in time (STOPAFTER). | String Default: None Required: No |
RESTORETYPE - Applicable only to RESTORE database operations. Full = Full database restore. Move = Database move. The batch file must contain a series of one or more <MOVE><filegroup> and <TO><file path> sequences. (SQL Server legacy policies only) Partial = Partial database restore. The sequence for PARTIAL must specify all of the filegroups in the database whose backup image is referenced by the NBIMAGE keyword. | FULL, PARTIAL, MOVE Default: FULL Required: No |
ROLLBACKVOLUME - Tells NetBackup to do the recovery of an Instant Recovery backup using the volume rollback method. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
SQLCOMPRESSION - Uses SQL Server compression on the backup image. If you enable SQL Server compression, do not enable NetBackup compression. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
SQLHOST - Name of SQL Server host. If SQLHOST is not specified in a batch file operation, then the SQL Server host is obtained from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server\DEFAULT_SQL_HOST. If the SQLINSTANCE keyword is not included, then the default SQL Server instance is assumed for the SQL Host. | String Required: No |
SQLINSTANCE - Name of the SQL Server instance. Or for backup operations specify $ALL to designate all SQL Server instances including the default instance. If SQLINSTANCE $ALL is used, then it must appear in the first operation of the batch file. Each operation in the batch file is performed for all SQL Server instances on the client where the batch file is executed. Also, it is not necessary to specify an SQLHOST or SQLINSTANCE on any subsequent operations. | String Required: No |
STANDBYPATH - Specify a fully- qualified file path to use for the standby redo log. | String Default: None Required: No |
STOPAFTER - Specifies datetime for RESTORETOMARK options. The datetime string is formatted as YYYY/MMDDHH:MM:SS. | Datetime string Default: None Required: No |
STOPAT - Specifies the point-in-time recovery of a transaction log. The datetime string is formatted as YYYY/MMDDHH:MM:SS. | Datetime string Default: None Required: No |
STORAGEIMAGE - Used for restoring a database that was backed up using a grouped Snapshot Client snapshot. STORAGEIMAGE identifies the image with which the physical files are associated. | String Default: None Required: No |
STRIPES - Number of stripes. Range is 1 - 32. | Integer Default: 1 Required: No |
TO - Specifies a filegroup destination path. Required for each MOVE keyword. Also must sequentially follow each MOVE entry. The value may be delimited with single quotes. | File path Default: None Required: No |
TRACELEVEL - Trace level. | MIN, MID, MAX Default: MIN Required: No |
TRXOPTION - SQL Server transaction log backup options. If NOTRUNC is not selected, then the transaction log can be backed up and truncated. If TAILLOG is selected, the tail log is backed up and restored. | NOTRUNC, TAILLOG Default: None Required: No |
USERID - User ID for logging into SQL Server. This keyword is ignored if you use integrated security. | String Default: sa Required: No |
VDITIMEOUTSECONDS - Time-out interval for SQL Server Virtual Device Interface. | Integer Default: 300 Required: No |
VERIFYONLY - Tells SQL Server to verify a backup image but not to restore it. | TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE Required: No |
VERIFYOPTION - Valid for the databases that have an active page. STOPONERROR performs verification and stops if a verification error occurs. CONTINUEAFTERERROR performs verification but continues if a verification error occurs. | NONE, STOPONERROR CONTINUEAFTERERROR Default: NONE Required: No |