UK&I Retail Market Insights Research

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Without question, 2020 was a hugely turbulent year for organisations across all industries, but retail and wholesale organisations faced challenges greater than most. With countrywide lockdowns implemented throughout 2020 and into 2021, many retail and wholesale organisations have had to completely rethink their day-to-day operations to become more digital-centric.

This webinar focuses on a recent quantitative research study conducted with UK and Ireland IT decision makers (ITDMs), and considers:

  • How retail organisations are approaching cloud adoption
  • Where the key challenges exist
  • How they can look to overcome these challenges through improving their approaches to data management and data protection.

Our Technology Sales Manager, Matthew Banks and Senior Research Manager, Charlie Wood, will be sharing the latest industry updates and answering your questions!



Charlie Wood
Senior Research Manager, Vanson Bourne

Matthew Banks
Technology Sales Manager Strategic Accounts, UK & Ireland Veritas