Veritas NetBackup™ AdvancedDisk Storage Solutions Guide
- Introducing AdvancedDisk
- Licensing AdvancedDisk
- Configuring AdvancedDisk
- Configuring key management for NetBackup AdvancedDisk storage encryption
- Configuring an AdvancedDisk storage server
- Configuring an AdvancedDisk disk pool
- Configuring an AdvancedDisk storage unit
- Creating a storage lifecycle policy
- Managing AdvancedDisk
- Managing AdvancedDisk storage servers
- Managing AdvancedDisk disk pools
- Displaying detailed AdvancedDisk storage usage information
- Toubleshooting AdvancedDisk
Determining AdvancedDisk disk volume state
Use the NetBackup nbdevquery command to determine the state of the volumes in AdvancedDisk disk pools.
To determine AdvancedDisk disk volume state
- Display the state of the volumes in a disk pool by using the following command:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevquery -listdv -U -stype server_type -dp disk_pool_name
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevquery -listdv -U -stype server_type -dp disk_pool_name
The following items describe the arguments for the options:
-stype server_type
For the server type, use one of the following types:
AdvancedDisk for nonencrypted storage.
AdvancedDisk_crypt for encrypted storage.
dp disk_pool_name
The name of the disk pool.
To display the disk volumes in all disk pools of the specified type, omit the -dp option.
The command displays all of the volumes in the disk pool. The state is either UP or DOWN.