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RHEL 8.4 Shared Resource Tree (SRT) creation and post restore booting issues (Etrack -4055912).



RHEL 8.4 Shared Resource Tree (SRT) creation and post restore booting issues.



Version:  NetBackup


Problem Description: RHEL 8.4 SRT creation and post restore booting issues.


IssueSRT creation was failing because of change in version of one of the library in rpm. 


Solution: Issue was fixed by correcting createsrt.conf


Issue: Post restore boot was failing because RHEL 8.4 requires some file folder symlinks in /etc/systemd/system/ path. 


Solution: Issue was fixed by restoring required file folder symlinks.



Install on: Server (Primary or Media), Client


Installation Instructions:

1)This EEB is for Primary Server on all supported platforms and Boot Server on RHEL 8.4 platform. Install appropriately.
2)After installing EEB on RHEL 8.4 Boot server create new SRT. 
3)Perform Prepare to Restore using new SRT and proceed with the Bare Metal Restore(BMR) restore.


Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer


Installing EEBs on a NetBackup 52x0 / 5330 Appliance



Checksums for all files (cksum):

File                                                           Checksum                 Byte count



1851922131 189093
linuxR_x86_2.6.32/createsrt.conf 1851922131 189093
AMD64/bmrprep.exe 3768630367 12397056
linuxR_x86/bmrprep 210661000 7392752
linuxS_x86/bmrprep 4050003983 7352456
solaris_x86/bmrprep 665310583 19782864
solaris/bmrprep 3731524624 12639544


Recommended service state:

All NetBackup services can remain running.

Applies to the following product releases

Update files

File name Description Version Platform Size