Veritas NetBackup™ in Highly Available Environments Administrator's Guide
- About in this guide
- NetBackup protection against single points of failure
- About site disaster recovery with catalog backup and recovery
- About site loss protection with auto image and catalog replication
- About NetBackup catalog replication
- Deploying NetBackup master servers with full catalog replication
- About non-clustered NetBackup master server with catalog replication
- About globally clustered NetBackup master servers with catalog replication
- Installing and configuring a globally clustered NetBackup master server with catalog replication
- Using NetBackup to perform backups and restores in a cluster
Installing and configuring the primary NetBackup master server
The primary master server is the server that normally functions as the master server. Thus, it must be installed first.
The following procedure provides guidelines for installing and configuring the primary non-clustered master server with catalog replication.
To install and configure the primary non-clustered master server with catalog replication
- You must use a DNS alias name for the master server. The DNS alias name ensures a smooth failover to the secondary master server. Before you start the installation, define this alias name in DNS and map it to the primary master server. Configure all the media servers and clients in the NetBackup domain to use this alias name for the master server.
- Install the NetBackup master server on the primary master server node. Specify the alias name for the master server.
- Shut down NetBackup after the installation is complete.
- To ensure that NetBackup starts correctly when switching to the secondary master server, modify the server.conf and vxdbms.conf files.
Check these two files and ensure that the string is NB_<alias name> and not NB_<hostname> and modify the files if necessary.
On Windows master server, these files are located at:
<install path>\VERITAS\netbackupdb\conf\server.conf
<install path>\VERITAS\netbackupdb\data\vxdmbs.conf
On UNIX and Linux master server, these files are located at:
- Move the catalog components to the volume that is replicated to the secondary master server.
For Windows installations, map the following paths to a common volume. Use symbolic links on Windows 2008, 2012, and 2016.
<install path>\VERITAS\netbackup\db
<install path>\VERITAS\netbackupdb\data
<install path>\VERITAS\netbackup\vault\sessions
<install path>\VERITAS\volmgr\misc
<install path>\VERITAS\netbackup\var
<install path>\VERITAS\kms
For UNIX and Linux installations, soft link the following paths to locations on a common volume:
You can use the nbdb_move command to relocate the EMM database rather than linking /usr/openv/db/data for UNIX and Linux or <install path>\VERITAS \netbackupdb\data for Windows. However, all other paths must be linked.
- Configure NetBackup so that it can be manually started and stopped on the primary master server. By default, NetBackup is started automatically when the master server is booted.
To prevent this automatic start, make the changes as per Steps 7 and 8 after the initial installation and after applying patches or upgrades.
Make the following changes on the NetBackup master server.
On UNIX and Linux master server, remove the links to /etc/init.d/netbackup created during the installation to enable automatic startup.
Refer to the NetBackup Installation Guide for details of links for each operating system.
On Windows master server, go to the Services Manager and set the Startup type for all the NetBackup services to Manual.
- Start NetBackup on the primary master server to confirm that it comes up correctly and then shut it down again.
At this stage, you may run the NetBackup Configuration Wizard to configure media servers and storage devices.
To start and stop NetBackup, manually run the following commands. It is recommended to document these commands in the failover procedure.
On UNIX and Linux master server:
To start NetBackup, run the following command:
/etc/init.d/netbackup start command
To stop NetBackup, run the following command
/etc/init.d/netbackup stop
On Windows master server:
To start NetBackup, run the following command:
<install path>\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpup
To stop NetBackup, run the following command:
<install path>\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpdown