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Veritas NetBackup™ in Highly Available Environments Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (9.0)
- About in this guide
- NetBackup protection against single points of failure
- About site disaster recovery with catalog backup and recovery
- About site loss protection with auto image and catalog replication
- About NetBackup catalog replication
- Deploying NetBackup master servers with full catalog replication
- About non-clustered NetBackup master server with catalog replication
- About globally clustered NetBackup master servers with catalog replication
- Installing and configuring a globally clustered NetBackup master server with catalog replication
- Using NetBackup to perform backups and restores in a cluster
Installing and configuring primary NetBackup master server cluster
To install the NetBackup master server cluster follow the instructions that are described in the NetBackup Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide. Refer following guidelines to install the primary NetBackup master server cluster with catalog replication.
Installing the primary NetBackup master server cluster with catalog replication
- Specify following while installing NetBackup master server cluster on primary node:
Replicated storage as the mount point for the cluster common storage.
All servers that are part of the domain.
Servers that form the secondary site cluster.
- After the NetBackup cluster group is created, reconfigure the storage resources to include the replication control components.
- For some replications layers, for example for Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR), the replication agent must be in a separate service group. You must link the agent with the NetBackup application service group.
- If the replication technology includes a bandwidth planning and analysis tool, it is a good idea to use this tool to assess the bandwidth requirements before implementing the replication layer. To get a feel for the replication traffic, install and configure the primary master server cluster and run backups for a few weeks. Use the analysis tool to measure I/O traffic and plan the replication layer based on the tool's recommendations before implementing replication to the secondary site.