Veritas NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
csconfig — set and retrieve throttle and meter configuration parameters for cloud storage; list and manage the cloud instances and cloud storage servers; list the cloud providers.
[-abw | -availablebw available_bandwidth]
[-f | -force]
[-i | -interval time]
[-mxc | -maxconn max_connections]
[-n | -cshost server_name]
[-oft | -offtime start_time,end_time,bandwidth_percentage]
[-p | -csport service_port]
[-pmc | -providermaxconn max_connections]
[-r | -sserver storage_server_name]
[-rbw | -readbw read_bandwidth_percentage]
[-t | -stype storage_server_type]
[-wbw | -writebw write bandwidth_percentage]
[-wkd | -weekend start_day,end_day,bandwidth_percentage]
[-wkt | -worktime start_time,end_day,bandwidth_percentage]
[-d | -directory location]
[-def | -setdefaults]
[-f | -force]
[-i | -interval time]
[-n | -cshost server_name]
[-p | -csport service_port]
[-i [-pt provider_type | -at api_type]]
[-l [-at api_type]]
[-a -in instance_name -pt provider_type -sh service_host_name [-se service_endpoint_path] [-http_port port_no] [-https_port port_no] [-access_style access_style_type] [-auth_id authentication_identifier | [-auth_ver authentication_version -auth_url authentication_url]]]
[-ar -in instance_name -lc location_constraint[,location_constraint,location_constraint] - rn region_name[,region_name,region_name] -sh service_host[,service_host,service_host]]
[-as -in instance_name -sts storage_server_name[,storage_server_name,storage_server_name] [-ssl 0|1|2[,0|1|2,0|1|2]] [-pxtype proxy_type[,proxy_type,proxy_type] -pxip proxy_ip[,proxy_ip,proxy_ip] -pxport proxy_port[,proxy_port,proxy_port]] [-creds_broker creds_broker[,creds_broker,creds_broker] [-url service_url [,service_url,service_url] -mission mission [,mission,mission] -agency agency [,agency,agency] -role role [,role,role] -cert_file cert_file_name[,cert_file_name,cert_file_name] -key_file private_key_file_name [,private_key_file_name ,private_key_file_name] [-key_pass private_key_passphrase [private_key_passphrase,private_key_passphrase]]]]
[-tenant_type id | name [,id | name, id | name] -tenant_value tenant_value [,tenant_value,tenant_value] -sr storage_region_name[,storage_region_name, storage_region_name]]]
[-i [-pt provider_type| -at api_type | -in instance_name]]
[-l [-pt provider_type] | -at api_type]
[-lr [-i] -in instance_name -user_name user_name -tenant_type id | name -tenant_value tenant value [-pxtype proxy_type -pxip proxy_ip -pxport proxy_port]]
[-r -in instance_name]
[-rr - lc location_constraint[,location_constraint,location_constraint] -in instance_name]
[-rs -in instance_name -sts storage_server_name[,storage_server_name,storage_server_name]]
[-u -in instance_name [-sh service_host_name -se service_endpoint_path] [-http_port port_no] [-https_port port_no] [-access_style access_style_type]]
[-ur -in instance_name -lc location_constraint [ - rn region_name -sh service_host]]
[-us -in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-ssl ssl_usage] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxip proxy_ip -pxport proxy_port] [-url service_url -mission mission1 -agency agency1 -role role1 -cert_file cert_file_name1 -key_file private_key_file_name1 [-key_pass private_key_passphrase1]]]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The csconfig manages the Cloud Connect configuration settings from a remote or a local computer. On a remote machine, you can use the -cshost argument to connect to a Cloud Connect service. Use -csport to specify the port to connect to, if the service runs on a port other than the default port.
The throttle option sets and fetches the throttling configuration details from the Cloud Connect server. The meter option sets and fetches the metering configuration details from the storage server. The cldprovider option fetches the cloud provider configuration settings. The cldinstance option sets and fetches the cloud instance configuration settings.
OPTIONS throttle
The following are the argument-value pairs for the throttle option.
- -abw | -availablebw available_bandwidth
Valid values are positive integers followed by KB or MB (e.g., 200MB). If no units are specified, the value is in bytes.
- -f | -force
Forces the default values for the throttle parameters. No value with this option.
- -i | -interval time
The sampling throttle time interval in seconds. Valid value range is 0-86400.
- -mxc | -maxconn max_connections
This option is the default maximum number of connections for each cloud provider.
- -n | -cshost server_name
Connects a remote machine to a Cloud Connect service.
- -oft | -offtime start_time,end_time,bandwidth_percentage
The bandwidth percentage value range is 0-100 (%).
- -p | -csport service_port
Specifies the port to connect to, if the service runs on a port other than the default port.
- -pmc | -providermaxconn max_connections
Specifies the maximum number of connections for a specific provider.
- -r | -sserver storage_server_name
Specifies the name of the storage server.
- -rbw | -readbw read_bandwidth_percentage
The bandwidth percentage value range is 0-100 (%).
- -t | -stype storage_server_type
Specifies the type of storage server.
- -wbw | -writebw write bandwidth_percentage
Valid value range is 0-100 (%).
- -wkd | -weekend start_day,end_day,bandwidth_percentage
The start day and end day range of values is Monday-Sunday or 1-7.
- -wkt | -worktime start_time,end_day,bandwidth_percentage
The start time and end time range of values is 0-23.
The following are the argument-value pairs for the meter option.
- -d | -directory location
The directory location for storing the metering data.
- -def | -setdefaults
Resets all throttling parameters to the default value.
- -f | -force
Used with -def. Forces the default values for the meter parameters. No value associated with this option.
- -i | -interval time
The metering time interval in seconds. Valid value range is 0-86400.
- -n | -cshost server_name
Connects a remote machine to a Cloud Connect service.
- -p | -csport service_port
Specifies the port to connect to, if the service runs on a port other than the default port.
OPTIONS cldprovider
The following are the argument-value pairs for the cldprovider option.
- -i [-pt provider_type | -at api_type]
Fetches the details of all the cloud providers that NetBackup supports.
If you use the -pt argument, the command fetches the details of the specified cloud provider. Sample values for the -pt argument are amazon, azure and swstksw.
If you use the -at argument, the command fetches the details of the cloud provider of the specified API type. Sample values for the -at argument are azure, s3, and swift.
For a complete list of supported cloud providers, refer to the Cloud - Supported Technology Methods section of the Hardware Compatibility List for your version of NetBackup.
- -l [-at api_type]
Fetches the list of the cloud providers that NetBackup supports.
If you use the -at argument, the command fetches the list of cloud providers of the specified API type.
OPTIONS cldinstance
The following are the argument-value pairs for the cldinstance option.
The parameter cldinstance refers to the private cloud deployments or customized cloud instances.
- -a -in instance_name -pt provider_type [-sh service_host_name] [-se service_endpoint_path] [-http_port port_no] [-https_port port_no] [-access_style access_style_type] [-auth_id authentication_identifier | [-auth_ver authentication_version -auth_url authentication_url]]
Adds a new cloud instance with the specified parameters.
Valid values for -access_style_type are as follows:
1 - Virtual Hosted Style
2 - Path Style
The default value for access_style_type is 2.
To add an OpenStack Swift cloud instance, you must first determine if the Authentication Identifier, the Authentication Version, and the Authentication URL are available within NetBackup. You can list this information with the command shown:
csconfig cldprovider -i -pt provider_type
Add the cloud instance with one of the commands shown:
If your Provider Type lists an Authentication Version and an Authentication URL under Location Name, you can use the Authentication Identifier in this command:
csconfig cldinstance -a -in instance_name -pt provider_type -auth_id authentication_identifier
If there is no Location Name section under your Provider Type, you must use the cloud vendor provided information. Use the cloud vendor provided Authentication Version value and find the corresponding value under the Credentials Broker Supported section. Use this value and the Authentication URL provided by your cloud vendor in the command shown:
csconfig cldinstance -a -in instance_name -pt provider_type -auth_ver authentication_version -auth_url authentication_url
The only valid values for auth_ver are found in the Credentials Broker Supported section.
- -ar -in instance_name -lc location_constraint[,location_constraint,location_constraint] - rn region_name[,region_name,region_name] -sh service_host[,service_host,service_host]
Adds a region for a specific cloud instance.
- -as -in instance_name -sts storage_server_name[,storage_server_name,storage_server_name] [-ssl 0|1|2[,0|1|2,0|1|2]] [-pxtype proxy_type[,proxy_type,proxy_type] -pxip proxy_ip[,proxy_ip,proxy_ip] -pxport proxy_port[,proxy_port,proxy_port]] [-creds_broker creds_broker[,creds_broker,creds_broker] [-url service_url [,service_url,service_url] -mission mission[,mission,mission] -agency agency[,agency,agency] -role role[,role,role] -cert_file cert_file_name[,cert_file_name,cert_file_name] -key_file private_key_file_name[,private_key_file_name,private_key_file_name] [-key_pass private_key_passphrase [private_key_passphrase,private_key_passphrase]]]][-tenant_type id | name [,id | name, id | name] -tenant_value tenant_value [,tenant_value, tenant_value]] [-sr storage_region_name]
Adds a cloud storage server for the cloud instance.
The creds_broker parameter is optional.
The valid values for creds_broker are CREDS_PROMPT (default value) and CREDS_CAP.
When you do not specify the creds_broker parameter, CREDS_PROMPT is used by default and you do not need to specify the parameters following creds_broker in the given syntax.
If you want to use access key credentials, use CREDS_PROMPT. The Amazon S3 connector directly communicates with the S3 service host using the access keys.
If you want to use the CAP service as your credentials broker, use CREDS_CAP.
The format of the service URL is https://hostname[:port][/path].
The files that are mentioned in the cert_file_name and the private_key_file_name parameters should exist on the master server at the following location:
On Windows:
The private_key_passphrase length should not exceed 100 characters.
You can obtain the value of storage region (-sr) with the cldinstance -lr command. You can only use this command with OpenStack Swift API authentication version Identity V2.
- -i [-pt provider_type | -at api_type | -in instance_name]
Fetches the details of all cloud instances. If you use the -pt argument, the command fetches the details of cloud instances for the specified cloud provider. If you use the -at argument, the command fetches the details of cloud instances for the specified API type. If you use the -in argument, the command fetches the details of a specific cloud instance.
- -l [-pt provider_type | -at api_type]
Fetches the list of all cloud storages (or cloud instances) that are configured in NetBackup. If you use the -pt argument, the command fetches the list of the cloud instances specific to a cloud provider. If you use the -at argument, the command fetches the list of the cloud instances of the specified API type.
- -lr [-i] -in instance_name -user_name user_name -tenant_type id | name -tenant_value tenant value [-pxtype proxy_type -pxip proxy_ip -pxport proxy_port]
Fetches a list of available storage regions. This command prompts for the password. If you use the optional -i parameter, the command displays the storage region details, including the names and storage URLs.
This command applies only to providers that are compliant with OpenStack Swift API using authentication version Identity V2.
- -r -in instance_name
Removes a cloud instance.
- -rr - lc location_constraint[,location_constraint,location_constraint] -in instance_name
Removes a region association for a specific cloud instance.
- -rs -in instance_name -sts storage_server_name[,storage_server_name,storage_server_name]
Removes the cloud storage server for specified cloud instance.
- -u -in instance_name [-sh service_host_name -se service_endpoint_path] [-http_port port_no] [-https_port port_no] [-access_style access_style_type]
Updates an existing cloud instance.
- -ur -in instance_name -lc location_constraint [ - rn region_name -sh service_host]
Updates a region for a specific cloud instance.
- -us -in instance_name -sts storage_server_name [-ssl ssl_usage] [-pxtype proxy_type -pxip proxy_ip -pxport proxy_port] [-url service_url -mission mission1 -agency agency1 -role role1 -cert_file cert_file_name1 -key_file private_key_file_name1 [-key_pass private_key_passphrase1]]
Updates the storage server for the specified cloud instance.
Valid values for -ssl are as follows:
0 - Disable SSL
1 - SSL for Authentication Only
2 - SSL for Data Transfer
Default value for -ssl: 2
Valid values for -pxtype are as follows:
Example 1 - Set the read-write bandwidth percent, available bandwidth, work time, and weekend configuration details:
# csconfig throttle -readbw 70 -writebw 80 -abw 512MB -worktime 8,20,30 -weekend 6,7,80
Example 2 - Set the metering time interval to 500 (sec) and the metering data storage location to /tmp/metered_data (UNIX path):
# csconfig meter -interval 500 -directory /tmp/metered_data
Example 3 - Add cloud instance of type Hitachi with custom ports for HTTP (18080) and HTTPS (18081)
$ csconfig cldinstance -a -in sam-cloud -pt hitachi -sh -http_port 18080 -https_port 18081
Example 4 - Update cloud instance of type Hitachi with new Service Host (
$ csconfig cldinstance -u -in -sh
Example 5 - Remove a Hitachi instance.
$ csconfig cldinstance -r -in
Example 6 - Update the region that is associated with an existing Hitachi instance.
$ csconfig cldinstance -ur -in -lc east -rn "New East Zone" -sh
Example 7- Add storage server for an existing Amazon GovCloud instance with Credentials Broker supported.
$ csconfig cldinstance -as -in -sts -creds_broker CREDS_CAP -url \" service-path\" -mission mission1 -agency agency1 -role role1 -cert_file file1 -key_file keyfile1 -key_pass passphrase1
Example 8- Update storage servers for existing AmazonGov Commercial Cloud Services instance with Credentials Broker supported.
$ csconfig cldinstance -us -in -sts -url \" service-path\" -mission mission1 -agency agency1 -role role1 -cert_file file1 -key_file keyfile1 -key_pass passphrase1
You can update one or many parameters of a storage server at the same time.
Example 9 - Update storage server for Hitachi cloud instance with the proxy settings.
$ csconfig cldinstance -us -in -sts -pxtype SOCKS4A -pxip -pxport 527
Example 10 - Add SwiftStack (Swift) cloud instance for authentication version Identity V2.
csconfig cldinstance -a -in -pt swstksw -auth_ver IDENTITY_V2 -auth_url
Example 11 - List the storage regions for an OpenStack Swift compliant cloud provider. This command is applicable only for authentication version Identity V2.
csconfig cldinstance -lr -in -user_name John -tenant_type id -tenant_value 1234
Example 12 - Add storage server for an existing SwiftStack (Swift) instance.
csconfig cldinstance -as -in -sts -tenant_type id -tenant_value 1234 -sr RegionUS