Veritas NetBackup™ Virtual Appliance Documentation
- Getting to know the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- NetBackup Virtual Appliance product description
- Preparing to deploy the appliance
- Deploying and configuring the appliance
- How to deploy and configure a NetBackup Virtual Appliance combined primary and media server
- How to deploy and configure a NetBackup Virtual Appliance media server
- How to deploy and configure a NetBackup Virtual Appliance primary server
- How to deploy and configure a NetBackup Virtual Appliance combined primary and media server
- Post initial configuration procedures
- Appliance common tasks
- Storage management
- About NetBackup Virtual Appliance storage configuration
- About viewing storage space information using the Show command
- About OpenStorage plugin installation
- About NetBackup Virtual Appliance storage configuration
- Deduplication pool catalog backup and recovery
- Network connection management
- Managing users
- About user name and password specifications
- About authenticating LDAP users
- About authenticating Active Directory users
- About authenticating Kerberos-NIS users
- About user authorization on the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- Creating NetBackup administrator user accounts
- Using the appliance
- About configuring Host parameters for your appliance on the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- About Copilot functionality and Share management
- About NetBackup Virtual Appliance as a VMware backup host
- About running NetBackup commands from the appliance
- About mounting a remote NFS
- About Auto Image Replication from a NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- Monitoring the appliance
- About SNMP
- About Call Home
- Appliance security
- About Symantec Data Center Security on the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- About data encryption
- Setting the appliance login banner
- Upgrading the appliance
- About upgrading to NetBackup Virtual Appliance software version 4.1
- Requirements and best practices for upgrading NetBackup appliances
- Methods for downloading appliance software release updates
- NetBackup client upgrades with VxUpdate
- Appliance restore
- Decommissioning and Reconfiguring
- Troubleshooting
- About disaster recovery
- About NetBackup support utilities
- Appliance logging
- Commands overview
- Appendix A. Appliance commands
- Appendix B. Manage commands
- Appendix C. Monitor commands
- Appendix D. Network commands
- Appendix E. Reports commands
- Appendix F. Settings commands
- Appendix G. Support commands
Main > Network > LinkAggregation — Manage link aggregation.
LinkAggregation Create Slaves [BondingMode]
LinkAggregation Delete InterfaceNames
LinkAggregation Disable [InterfaceName]
LinkAggregation Enable [Slaves] [BondingMode]
LinkAggregation Show [InterfaceNames]
LinkAggregation Status
You can use this command to manage link aggregation.
You can use this command to enable bonding (link aggregation), across the available network cards. If only one port is configured, bonding is not available. If multiple ports are configured on your appliance, they are identified automatically.
You have the ability to bond multiple ports or define specific ports to bond by what you enter in the [Slaves] option. To bond multiple ports, you must use a comma to separate the device names. In addition, you should ensure that all of the ports that participate in a bond are connected to the same switch. And make sure that is no additional port configuration is done at the switch.
There are eight different bond modes that you can choose from. Some of the bond modes require additional configuration on the switch or the router. You should take additional care when you select a bond mode.
For more information about the bond modes and any required switch configuration, see the following documentation:
You can also use this command to do the following:
To create a bond without associating an IP address to it.
To delete a existing bond.
To display the status of the link aggregation.
To show the link aggregation properties of one or more interfaces.
To turn off the link aggregation.
- LinkAggregation Create Slaves [BondingMode]
Create a bond.
Here, the Slaves variable defines the device name that you want to bond and the [BondingMode] parameter is used to define the bond mode in which to configure bonding, or link aggregation. The eight available modes are, balance-rr | active-backup | balance-xor | broadcast | 802.3ad |balance-tlb | balance-alb. The default mode is balance-alb.
Conform to following guidelines to create a bond:
Ensure that the interfaces that participate in bond formation have the same port speed (i.e. either 1GB or 100GB).
At least one of the interfaces that participates in bond formation must be plugged.
Verify that any of the selected interfaces are not already a part of another bond.
You can create this bond with or without assigning an IP address to it. The criteria for assigning or not assigning an IP address to the bond depends solely on the interfaces that are selected for creating the bond.
Consider the following two cases to understand IP address assignment to a bond:
An IP address is assigned to a newly created bond, if any of the interfaces that are selected for creating a bond already have an IP address assigned to them.
An IP address is not assigned to a newly created bond, if the interfaces that are selected for creating a bond do not have IP addresses assigned to them.
If the selected interfaces are configured with IP addresses, an error message is displayed to indicate that a single interface must be configure with an IP address to create the bond.
- LinkAggregation Delete InterfaceNames
Use this command to delete a bond. Here, InterfaceNames defines the bond device name that you want to disable.
To delete a bond, ensure that the no IP address is configured on the bond. If an IP address is configured to the bond, you must first unconfigure the IP address. To unconconfigure the IP address, run the Network > Unconfigure command.
- LinkAggregation Disable [InterfaceName]
Turns off the link aggregation. The [InterfaceName] is optional. You use this option to define the bond device name that you want to disable. You can use the LinkAggregation > Status command to obtain the device name.
LinkAggregation cannot be turned-off if there are multiple bonds present. To turn-off link aggregation on a specific bond, you must enter the bond name in the [InterfaceName] parameter.
- LinkAggregation Enable [Slaves] [BondingMode]
Use to turn on link aggregation. This command assigns IP address to the newly created bond.
The [Slaves] option defines the device names that you want to bond. Use a comma as a delimiter between the device names. This field is optional. The device names are identified automatically based on the current network settings and properties.
The [BondingMode] parameter is used to define the bond mode in which to configure bonding, or link aggregation. The eight available modes are, balance-rr | active-backup | balance-xor | broadcast | 802.3ad |balance-tlb | balance-alb. The default mode is balance-alb.
- LinkAggregation Status [HostName]
Show the status of the link aggregation. If no interfaces have been configured, the following message appears:
No virtual interfaces have been configured.
- LinkAggregation Show [InterfaceNames]
Show the link aggregation properties of one or more interfaces.
Use the [InterfaceNames] option to define the interface or interfaces that you want to view the properties of. Use a comma to separate the interface names if you want to view the properties of more than one.