Redirected SQL restore fails with an error: V-79-65323-4319 - A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file 'file_name'.

Article: 100029003
Last Published: 2018-05-04
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


Redirected SQL restore fails with an error: "A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file"


Error Message

V-79-65323-4319 - A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file 'file_name'. Either restore the backup set that was interrupted or restart the restore sequence.



The most common reason for this to occur is that the SQL server has run out of disk space, but other reasons are possible.

  1. Free disk space on any disk containing a file in the filegroup mentioned in the error message, or if space is already available, go to step 2.
  2. Reset the status by executing sp_resetstatus
  3. Run recovery by executing DBCC DBRECOVER

More information and alternatives are found in the article below:

Note: DBCC DBRECOVER was removed from SQL Server 2012.

If the steps above do not resolve the issue, Microsoft should be contacted for assistance in correcting the issue with the SQL server.



UMI : v-79-65323-4319

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