NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Server snapshot backup fails with Status Code 130 or 4200

Article: 100008549
Last Published: 2015-04-10
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


A status code 130 or 4200 can often be the result of a contributing factor. Checking the following items will eliminate any contributors to this issue.

If a status code 130 is still observed after the following steps, we will need a verbose bpfis log and the application event logs from the Exchange Servers. If backing up the passive node in a cluster, please collect the logs from both active and passive nodes as we contact the active node to get the health of the database.

Error Message

130: system error occurred


4200: Operation failed: Unable to acquire snapshot lock


1.  On the Exchange server, run "vssadmin list writers", "vssadmin list providers" and “vssadmin list shadows” from the command prompt.

If any writers are stuck or show errors, the server must be rebooted to clear out the errors (vssadmin list writers).

If a third party hardware provider is installed (vssadmin list providers), modify the backup policy to have our backup use system provider type:In the attributes tab, click on the “options” button next to Perform snapshot backups.Snapshot method should be VSS, change the Provider Type to 1.
Per Microsoft kb article 941956 ( If more than one provider is installed, the system provider will be used last. Keeping the default value of 0 will result in the backups using a provider other than VSS to perform the backup.Netbackup uses VSS for an Exchange Snapshot backup, Instant Recovery, and Off-host backup. Review the Netbackup Exchange Admin Guide DOC5172 for more information.If there is a 3rd party vendor installed (shown with vssadmin list providers) this could interfere with our backups. We need to use VSS for our backups.

If there are shadows listed (vssadmin list shadows) these need to be deleted.
To delete them, Open ‘Computer’, right click on one of the hard drives and select ‘properties’ Click the Shadow Copies tab.
Highlight the drive that has bytes used and select ‘settings’
In the ‘Maximum size’ section, change to 320 MB and click ok.
With the same drive highlighted, click on settings again.Change the Maximum size to either No Limit or Use limit.
Repeat the steps if other drives have shadows stuck.
**If setting a limit, providing a limit that is too low can cause VSS to fail. For best results, it is recommended to use No Limit. If Use Limit must be set, please consult with Microsoft to get an accurate size for your drives.

2. On the Exchange server(s), under install_path\veritas\netbackup\online_util\fi_cntl\ are there any files in there? If so, ensure no backups are occurring and delete all of those files. When logging is turned on, this folder does not clear out. Delete the files to ensure the folder is not full and causing our status 130 because it has no room to add the new files for the backup.

3. How much space is allocated for the snapshot? On the Exchange server, right click on one of the drives under My Computer and select properties - select the "Shadow Copies" tab. Highlight the drive that contains the database and log files for Exchange (if multiple drives are used for this, select one at a time) click on "settings". What is the Max Size set to? If there is a limit set, this may need to be increased. Preferably set to No Limit to take the size restrictions out of the question.

4. (If this is a DAG) Open a command prompt (or putty session) on the master server.

Run the following command:
install_path\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd   (usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd) bpclient -client <DAG_name> -EXDB

If any errors are reported, these need to be cleared out as they could be contributing to the status code 130 or 4200. 

Run the following commnad to reset the errors:
bpclient -client <host_name> -update -exdb <db_name:server_name[:timestamp:count:status]>

For example:
bpclient -client DAG_Name -update -exdb DAG_DB3:EXSRV1:0:0:0


If a Status Code 130 or 4200 is still observed, we will need a verbose bpfis log and the application event logs from the Exchange Servers. If backing up the passive node in a cluster, please collect the logs from both active and passive nodes as we contact the active node to get the health of the database.


Applies To

MS Exchange Server  2010 or higher, standalone or DAG

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