Unable to add host using its shortname in Access Appliance CLISH

Article: 100069914
Last Published: 2024-08-09
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances


Unable to add a network host using its shortname using the Access Appliance CLISH.

Error Message

xxxxxx> network host add xxx.xxx.xx.xxx myshortname
fqdn  : FQDN, the fqdn name should be a-z | A-Z | 0-9 and hyphen(-), fqdn name should between 1 and 63 characters long and should not start or end with hyphen (-), last Tld must be at least two characters, and a maximum of 6 characters



The clish only allows fully qualified domain name (fqdn) entries to be added.



As a workaround, shortnames can be added from an elevated prompt.

1. Ensure the node is the Management Console Node
# hastatus -sum | grep ManagementConsole

2. Add the shortname using the following syntax:
# /opt/VRTSnas/pysnas/bin/controller.py host add <IP> <shortname>

For example:
# /opt/VRTSnas/pysnas/bin/controller.py host add xxx.xxx.xx.xxx myshortname

Confirm in the clish the shortname is shown:

xxxxxx> network host show
IP              FQDN       IP_TYPE
==============  =========  =======

xxx.xxx.xx.xxx  myshortname  custom



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