Slow mounting media operation may be observed for deduplication storage

Article: 100043817
Last Published: 2018-08-09
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


Mounting media operation for deduplication storage sometimes takes around 10 minutes when using client side deduplication.
Note: Client side deduplication is as known as Direct Access. Remote Agent on the client side server directly accesses deduplication storage.


When using the client side deduplicaiton, both the Backup Exec server and the remote server names should be resolved to IP adderss. Both the Backup Exec server and the remote server IP addresses should be also resolved to the computer names.


Configure both Forward DNS lookup and Reverse DNS lookup. The following names or addresses shoud be resolved on both the Backup Exec server and remote server.

  1.      Computer name of the Backup Exec server
  2.      Computer name of the remote server
  3.      FQDN of the Backup Exec server
  4.      FQDN of the remote server
  5.      IP address of the Backup Exec server
  6.      IP address of the remote server

Hosts file can be used in place of DNS. Hosts file is located on:
    Windows: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
    Linux: /etc/hosts

Note: When IPv6 is enabled, the IPv6 address should be resolved.

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