Deploying the NetBackup Virtual Appliance directly to an ESXi host using OVF Tool

Article: 100038949
Last Published: 2020-09-16
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances


Note: You need to have VMware OVF Tool installed on your remote system to complete this procedure. It can be downloaded here:

The following product files (OVF templates) support direct deployment to an ESXi host.

Product file


Refer to



Method 2



Method 1



Method 1



Method 1


3.2 and later

Method 1


3.2 and later

Method 2


Before you deploy, you need to gather the following information required by the product file:

  • Appliance name
  • ESXi host name
  • Destination datastore

       If you are deploying a NetBackup_VA_ROBO_VMware_GUI or NetBackup_VA_ROBO_VMware_Static product file, this information is also required:

  1. Network configuration
    • DNS domain name
    • Appliance IPv4 address
    • Netmask
    • Gateway IPv4 address
    • Primary DNS server IPv4 address
    • (Optional) Secondary DNS server IPv4 address
    • (Optional) Appliance IPv6 address
    • (Optional) Prefix length
    • (Optional) Gateway IPv6 address
  2. Storage configuration
    • AdvancedDisk disk pool name
    • AdvancedDisk storage unit name
    • MSDP disk pool name
    • MSDP storage unit name
  3. The context of Smart Meter ( If NetBackup Virtual Appliance version is 3.1.2 or later)


Method 1. To deploy the NetBackup Virtual Appliance directly to an ESXi host:

  1. Download the NetBackup Virtual Appliance product file from the Licensing Portal on the MyVeritas website or the Download Center, and save it to your local computer.
  2. Use the VMware OVF Tool to run the following command, substituting the environment information that you gathered for the parameters that are marked with angular brackets (<>) and in italics:

--net:"VM Network=<vm_network>"

Method 2. To deploy the NetBackup Virtual Appliance with parameters directly to an ESXi host:

  1. Download the NetBackup Virtual Appliance product file from the Licensing Portal on the MyVeritas website or the Download Center, and save it to your local computer.
  2. Use the VMware OVF Tool to run the following command, substituting the environment information that you gathered for the parameters that are marked with angular brackets (<>) and in italics:
    Note: Speicfy the '--prop:va.addhosts' option to true if DNS is not available during deployment. This allows the appliance to write the host name and IP address to the HOSTS file, and makes sure that the host name is resolvable during the applaince initial configuration.

--net:"VM Network=<vm_network>"
--prop:va.smartmeterText='<copy_entire_key_file_content_here>' (For 3.1.2 and later)

Refer to the NetBackup Virtual Appliance Getting Started Guide for further deployment information and post-deployment steps.

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