NetBackup does not automatically start at boot time after an attempt to unofficially migrate NetBackup System V init script to systemd service unit.

Article: 100033787
Last Published: 2017-03-17
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup


NetBackup does not automatically start at boot time after an attempt to unofficially migrate NetBackup System V init script to systemd service unit.


The user attempted to unofficially migrate NetBackup System V init script to systemd service unit. In order to automatically start PBX and NetBackup (for versions 8.0 and earlier), System V init scripts must be used.  Native service units are not provided or supported.

NetBackup 8.0 and earlier versions running on compatible Linux operating systems (such as RedHat 7.1) with systemd do not provide native systemd service units.  These versions of NetBackup still supply System V style init scripts.

Systemd is backward compatible with System V init scripts. On boot, systemd will look for System V style init scripts in legacy run-levels directories and start them.  Systemd creates wrapper services via /lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-sysv-generator.  This will result in systemd wrapper service units for both NetBackup and Private Branch Exchange (PBX) in  /var/run/systemd/generator.late/ directory.


In order to automatically start PBX and NetBackup (for versions 8.0 and earlier):

1. Undo any attempts to migrate or create service units for NetBackup and PBX.
Please refer to the Linux system administrator or the persons who may attempted the unofficial migration. VERITAS does not support or provide native service units for NetBackup.  VERITAS also does not provide steps and instructions do create service units or undo any previous any attempts.

If a custom service unit is created outside of /var/run/systemd/generator.late (and not as a wrapper by systemd-generator), please remove it to be able to revert back to use System V init scripts.
Typically locations for service unit files may be in one of these paths:
  • /usr/lib/systemd/system/
  • /run/systemd/system/
  • /etc/systemd/system/
Please refer to your Linux system administrator or Linux support channel for more help on Linux systemd and service units.

2. Restore PBX System V init script by copying /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/vxpbx_exchanged to /etc/init.d/vxpbx_exchanged:
cp -p /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/vxpbx_exchanged /etc/init.d/vxpbx_exchanged

3. Restore NetBackup System V init script by copying /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup to /etc/init.d/netbackup:
cp -p /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup /etc/init.d/netbackup

4. Add and enable the services:
chkconfig --add vxpbx_exchanged
chkconfig --add netbackup 
chkconfig --levels 01246 vxpbx_exchanged off
chkconfig --levels 01246 netbackup off
chkconfig --levels 35 vxpbx_exchanged on
chkconfig --levels 35 netbackup on

5. Confirm symbolic soft-links are created in /etc/rc3.d/ and /etc/rc5.d/
  • /etc/rc3.d/S20vxpbx_exchanged, /etc/rc5.d/S20vxpbx_exchanged
  • /etc/rc3.d/S77netbackup, /etc/rc5.d/S77netbackup
The S <number> represents start order for System V init scripts.  For PBX and NetBackup, S20vxpbx_exchanged ensures that PBX service is started before NetBackup (S77netbackup)


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