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NetBackup 8.2/3.2 Hotfix -VMware backups crashes with status 50 occasionally on VM guests with XFS filesystems (Etrack -3993809).
Veritas Bug ID: ET 3993809
Issue: VMware backups crashes with status 50 occasionally on VM guests with XFS filesystems.
Version: NetBackup 8.2
Problem Description:
VMware backups crashes with status 50 occasionally on VM guests with XFS filesystems. Crashes are occurring when mapping /tmp due to bad inodes. Kroll has supplied an updated XFS plugin that addresses this crash. This EEB is supplying the updated Kroll plugins as-is to NB 8.2.
Installation Location: Server (Master or Media), Client
Installation Instructions:
1) Install this EEB on all backup hosts
2) The previous EEB version MUST BE uninstalled before installing this EEB version.
Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer
Installing EEBs on a NetBackup 52x0 / 5330 Appliance
How to install client EEB's with VxUpdate
Fix is available in NetBackup 8.2.1 and later releases.
Checksums of Files
File Checksum Byte count
AMD64/libfso.dll 3373159558 577496
linuxR_x86/ 3412941117 200480
linuxR_x86_2.6.32/ 3412941117 200480
linuxS_x86/ 3412941117 200480
linuxS_x86_3.0.76/ 3412941117 200480
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |