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HotFix to support NetBackup Appliance 5250 D-series Storage Shelf
Install this HotFix on NetBackup 5250 Appliances with software version 5.0 to use the new D-series Veritas 2U12 storage shelf when: 1. It is the first storage shelf connecting to a deployed base appliance. 2. The appliance was re-imaged or was factory reset.
A NetBackup Appliance HotFix is available that supports the new D-series Veritas 2U12 Storage Shelf for use with the NetBackup 5250 Appliance model with software version 5.0. You can obtain the HotFix described above from the Veritas Download Center.
The HotFix package includes the following fixes and changes:
1. Changes to support appliance fresh installation, role configuration, and the AutoSupport client that are required by the new Veritas 2U12 Storage Shelf.
2. Enhances Main_Menu > Monitor > Hardware ShowHealth output to display the storage shelf information per unit.
3. Corrects the storage shelf serial number display to be consistent with the SASCableManager output.
4. Fixes the issue of the “ShelfOrder Reset" failure.
5. Suppresses the false alerts from the SAScable manager for the new Veritas storage shelf.
6. Includes the shmcli utility for additional supportability.
To Install a HotFix
1. Open an ssh session and log on to the appliance as an administrator.
2. Enter the following command to open the NFS and the CIFS shares:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Open
3. Map or mount the appliance share directory as follows:
UNIX: Mount the following appliance NFS share: <appliance-name or IP>:/inst/patch/incoming
Windows: Map the following appliance CIFS share: \\<appliance-name or IP>\incoming_patches
4. Copy the HotFix from your local computer to the mapped directory.
5. Unmap or unmount the directory after you have successfully downloaded the HotFix.
6. From the appliance, enter the following command to close the NFS and the CIFS shares:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Close
7. Enter the following command to list the available HotFix:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > List Downloaded
8. Enter the following command to install the HotFix:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Install <patch_name>
Note: <patch_name> here is the name of the HotFix that you want to install. You must make sure that the name you enter matches the HotFix name that you have uploaded on the appliance. (For example: NBAPP_EEB_ET<etnumber>-<appl ver>-<eebnumber>.x86_64.rpm)
To Uninstall a HotFix
1. Enter the following command to list the installed HotFix:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > List EEBs
2. Enter the following command to uninstall the HotFix:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Rollback <patch_name>
Note: <patch_name> here should end in ".rpm", even though "List EEBs" output does not include ".rpm" at the end of the name. (For example: NBAPP_EEB_ET<etnumber>-<appl ver>-<eebnumber>.x86_64.rpm)
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |