How to find the .DVS file name corresponding to an Enterprise Vault archived item (versions 8 and later)

Article: 100002710
Last Published: 2021-12-01
Ratings: 5 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Enterprise Vault (EV) stores individual items as files with a .DVS extension. This article describes the name and path conventions for these files and how to locate them on disk, for items that were originally archived by EV 8 and later. (For items archived by EV 2007 and earlier, see this article.)


Within EV 8.0, the storage model has changed from previous versions.  Prior to EV 8.0, an archived item was contained within a single file with the DVS extension.  In EV 8.0 and above, the storage model changed to improve the Single Instance Storage (SIS) capability. This was performed by separating the item into multiple files (.DVS [header], .DVSSP [Shared part] and .DVSCC [converted content]). The DVS file in EV 8.0 and above is unique to the exact item as this contains the message header information only.  All other components (Attachments, message body, etc.) may be shared with other items. Regardless if the 'shared parts' (.DVSSP items) are present in other locations, the parent DVS file must be present for proper recombination of the item.


When an item cannot be retrieved via user or administration actions (Shortcuts or FSA  Placeholder objects), it may be necessary to locate the corresponding parent DVS file to determine this is present on storage.

Note : For Microsoft Exchange archiving follow the steps below (Not applicable when Vault Store partition is located on EMC Centera or streamer device).

1.  Open Microsoft Outlook and select the archived item.

2.  Press CTRL + SHIFT and left-click any one of the EV toolbar buttons to open the EV Diagnostic window.

3.  Click the Vault Information button.  

4.  In the section titled Selected Item Properties, scroll down to the Saveset ID.  A character string should be displayed similar to:

          Saveset ID :  20100713 8983154~201006290011360000~Z~ 00FE 32EB454E1765AC545E895FBE3821.
        1 st Part   : 20100713 8983154 : Archived Date. (13-July-2010)
        2 nd Part  : 201006290011360000 : Received Date (29-June-2010)
        4 th Part   : 00FE 32EB454E1765AC545E895FBE3821 : DVS File Name and IdTransaction.
The last number sequences correspond to the DVS file name located in the corresponding Vault Store Partition:
00FE 32EB454E1765AC545E895FBE3821 .DVS
In above Example
From the 1 st Part : 20100713 8983154 of Saveset ID “ 20100713 ” search for folder “2010/07-13”
From the 4 th Part : 00FE 32EB454E1765AC545E895FBE3821 of Saveset ID " 00FE" search for folder “0/0FE”
Hence the actual path for this item's “.DVS” file is “ 2010/07-13/0/0FE ” and the “DVS” file name is “ 00FE32EB454E1765AC545E895FBE3821.DVS ”.
Note: If Collections are enabled, see 100017679


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