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Article: 100018218
Last Published: 2009-01-31
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
To quickly create a disk pool, do the following:
- Install the Advanced Disk NetBackup Licenses on the primary/master server and any media servers that will use Advanced Disk.
- Create a Storage Server using the following command.
- Example:
nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server media1 -stype AdvancedDisk -st 5 -media_server media1
- Example:
- Create an Advanced Disk Disk Pool.
- Build list of file systems to use in disk pool
- Example:
nbdevconfig -previewdv -stype AdvancedDisk -storage_server media1 -media_server media1 -dvlist /tmp/dvlist
- Example:
- Edit /tmp/dvlist and delete all the file systems that are not supposed to be part of the disk pool. The file /tmp/dvlist should then look something like this example below, with only the desired file systems in it.
- Example:
V6.5 DiskVolume < "/other1" "/other1" 2105089024 720333824 0 0 0 >
V6.5 DiskVolume < "/other2" "/other2" 84598731776 83207343104 0 0 0 >
- Example:
- Create the disk pool:
- Example:
nbdevconfig-createdp -stype AdvancedDisk -dp MYDISKPOOLNAME -storage_servers media1 -dvlist /tmp/dvlist
- Example:
- Build list of file systems to use in disk pool
When this is complete, create a new Storage Unit referencing the disk pool.
Note: The directory path to this command is...
UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
Windows: <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\