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Veritas NetBackup™ OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.2, 8.1.1, 8.1)
- Introducing disk appliance storage solutions
- Planning your deployment
- About OpenStorage disk pools for backups
- About OpenStorage direct to tape
- Provisioning the storage
- Licensing OpenStorage
- Configuring OpenStorage in NetBackup
- Configuring an OpenStorage disk pool for backups
- Configuring an OpenStorage storage unit
- Configuring optimized duplication to an OpenStorage device within the same NetBackup domain
- Configuring replication to an OpenStorage device in a different domain
- Creating a storage lifecycle policy
- Managing OpenStorage
- Managing OpenStorage storage servers
- Managing OpenStorage server credentials
- Managing OpenStorage data movers
- Managing OpenStorage disk pools
- Changing OpenStorage disk pool properties
- Managing OpenStorage storage servers
- Troubleshooting
About OpenStorage direct to tape
OpenStorage direct to tape lets you copy NetBackup backup images directly from a disk appliance to tape. The copy operation does not use NetBackup media server I/O.
NetBackup manages the copied images based on retention periods you define.
Direct to tape uses the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) for the copy operations. Direct to tape requires specific NDMP features and release levels.
See About NDMP requirements for OpenStorage direct to tape.
NetBackup media servers manage the operations. The media servers require the NetBackup for NDMP software and specific NetBackup release levels.
See About media server recommendations for OpenStorage direct to tape.
How to configure OpenStorage direct to tape is described elsewhere.