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How to Update Service Locations (USL) after changing server name or DNS alias for Enterprise Vault (EV)
Article: 100031222
Last Published: 2015-10-15
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
How to Update Service Locations (USL) after changing server name or DNS alias for Enterprise Vault (EV)
This functionality allows an administrator to automatically configure EV services on machines according to the information stored in the
EnterpriseVaultDirectory database. A typical use would be to move services to a different machine after changing the DNS alias of a failed machine to point to the desired machine.
USL is now available as a menu option on the
Enterprise Vault Servers node in the Administration Console (Figure 1), and will run against all computers in the selected site.
Figure 1

When USL is selected, it will check each computer alias to validate the machine's name. If it does not match the machine name recorded in the
EnterpriseVaultDirectory database, then the database will be updated with the correct machine name. The machine name is recorded in the
ComputerNameAlternate field of the
ComputerEntry table.