Quick Guide to rebuilding the SG drivers in Solaris 10.

Article: 100019093
Last Published: 2012-02-09
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup


Quick Guide to rebuilding the SG drivers in Solaris 10.


1.  Cleanup:
  • remove the contents of /dev/rmt/*
  • remove the contents of /dev/sg/*

2.  Reboot/reconfigure with the following command: Upon reboot, Solaris should detect and rebuild the proper devices within /dev/rmt/*cbn
reboot -- -r

3.  Verify devices by running the command:
ls -l /dev/rmt/*cbn

4.  Stop ltid with the command:

5.  Verify the SG driver is unloaded:
modinfo | grep -i sg
If SG is listed, then get the instance ID, and run
modunload -i instance_id

6.  Move the sg.conf
mv /kernel/drv/sg.conf /kernel/drv/sg.conf.orig

7.  Rebuild the sg.conf using the following commands. Note that "mt" means "max targets" and "ml" represents "max lun". These settings can be modified to only scan the targets that are known to have attached tape drives.
cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
../sg.build all -mt 15 -ml 4

8.  Verify the sg driver detected the proper devices using sgscan

Note: This method can be used on older versions of Solaris. If this method doesn't work, please refer to the Device Configuration Guide for the version of NetBackup in use.


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