How to increase ndmpd debug logging on NetApp systems running Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode (cDOT)

Article: 100013048
Last Published: 2023-12-18
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Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


How to increase ndmp logging on NetApp systems running Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode (cDOT) to troubleshoot backup or restore errors when using NetBackup.


Use the following steps for the specific NetApp  Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode ( cDOT) version running on the filer. To check which version is running, use the NetBackup command on the NDMP backup host ..\volmgr\bin\tpautoconf -verify <cDOT-ndmp-host> or version command on the NetApp filer. 

Clustered Data ONTAP 8.1.x and earlier 

NetBackup did not support Cluster Aware Backup (CAB) for ONTAP 8.1.x and earlier. So it was recommended to set NDMP logging on all nodes unless the specific node could be determined depending on the method used.

Note: There are three methods for backup without CAB, node-scope-mode with or without a backup logical interface (LIF) or using the SVM without node-scope-mode. I will not be outlining how to determine which host to enable the NDMP logging for.  

1. Using the command line log into the admin Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) using the admin user.
2.  Identify the list of nodes in the cDOT cluster using the command :
cdot-netapp::> vserver show -type node

3. Switch to the node using the command :
cdot-netapp::> node run -node <nodename>      
4.  Check the value of ndmpd.debug.filter using the command :
cm-node-01> options ndmpd.debug.filter
ndmpd.debug.filter           none

5. Set the value of this variable for all if it is not set already, and verify the change:
cm-node-01>  options ndmpd.debug.filter all
cm-node-01> options ndmpd.debug.filter
ndmpd.debug.filter           all
6. Check the value of the ndmp.debug.enable option:
cm-node-01> options ndmpd.debug.enable
ndmpd.debug.enable           off 
7. If not enabled, enable the option and verify the change:
cm-node-01> options ndmpd.debug.enable on
cm-node-01> options ndmpd.debug.enable
ndmpd.debug.enable           on 
8. Exit the nodeshell, and recreate the NDMP failure :
cm-node-01> exit
Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 and later using NetBackup 7.7.x Cluster Aware Backup (CAB)

NetBackup 7.7.x supports Cluster Data ONTAP (cDOT) Cluster Aware Backups (CAB). This means that NetBackup will connect to a specific interface on the cDOT NetApp to run all NDMP backups. The node that is hosting the interface at the time of the backup will contain the NDMP logs.

To identify a cluster node hosting the CAB interface 
1. On the NetBackup NDMP backup host, resolves the cDOT hostname defined for backup to an IP using the command .. /netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -hn <cDOT-ndmp-host>  

2. Using the command line, log into the cluster admin Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) using the admin user.

3. Find the current node that is hosting the CAB interface  
cm-netapp::> net int show -address <ip-address> -fields curr-node,address

Set the NDMP logging for the node hosting the CAB interface

The NDMP logging options are set without switching to the nodeshell as with 8.1.x, but an advanced privilege or diag user must be used.

1. Either switch to the advanced privilege or diag (if unlocked) user using the command :
cm-netapp::> set adv  
cm-netapp::> set diag 
Note: A * at the prompt will denote a successful elevation 
2. Display the value for ndmp.debug.enable for the specific node hosting the CAB backup interface using the command :
cm-netapp::*> options -vserver <CAB-interface-node> ndmpd.debug.enable

3. If not enabled, enable the option and verify the change:
cm-netapp::*> options -vserver <CAB-interface-node> ndmpd.debug.enable on
cm-netapp::*> options -vserver <CAB-interface-node> ndmpd.debug.enable
4. Check the value of ndmpd.debug.filter on the CAB interface node  
cm-netapp::*> options -vserver <CAB-interface-node> ndmpd.debug.filter
5. Set the value of ndmpd.debug.filter  to all if it is not set already, and verify the change
cm-netapp::*>  options -vserver <CAB-interface-node> ndmpd.debug.filter all
cm-netapp::*> options -vserver <CAB-interface-node> ndmpd.debug.filter
6. Recreate the known issues with the NDMP operation
For all versions of Clustered Data ONTAP (cDOT) once the NDMP operation has been retried and the error encountered. Collect the ndmpd.log.*  files from /mroot/etc/log/mlog directory and the backup* files from /mroot/etc/log directory on the CAB interface node.

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