How to clear or respond to alerts in Backup Exec.

Article: 100008047
Last Published: 2021-02-25
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Backup Exec


How to respond to alerts and multiple alerts in Backup Exec.


1) From the Home tab, you can view all active alerts or filter the alerts to view only specific alert types or alerts that occurred on certain dates. You can enable or disable Active Alerts and Alert history in the System Health pane Figure 1.

Figure 1

2. On the Backup and Restore tab, when you double-click a server, you can see the active alerts that are specific to that server Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 2


Note: In FIgure 2 above you can click on the Active Alerts to respond to alerts one at a time.


Double Click the Server Name to bring up the Server View and Active Alerts. Multiple alerts can be responded to in this view Figure 3.

Figure 3

3. On the Storage tab, when you double-click a type of storage, you can see the active alerts that are specific to that storage device Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Figure 4

Figure 5


4. Responding to individual, single alerts one at time, or all alert can be done from any Backup Exec tab using the status bar at the bottom of the Backup Exec console Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8.

For responding to all alerts at time,  type CTRL+A, right click then select a response type on Figure  7.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8


5. Alerts can additional be managed and responded to using the Backup Exec Power shell CLI or BEMCLI.  See Related Documents.


This command clear all active Backup Exec informational alerts. 

Get-BEAlert -Severity Information | Clear-BEAlert -Response Ok


This command clear all Backup Exec Error alerts. 

Get-BEAlert -Severity Error | Clear-BEAlert -Response Ok


Alerts remain in the Active Alerts pane until they receive a response. You can respond to an alert manually or you can configure Backup Exec to respond to some alerts automatically after a specified length of time. Depending on the alert type, a response might not be required, such as with informational alerts. After you respond to an alert, Backup Exec moves it to the alert history. Alert history is available on the Home tab or double clicking alert area at the status bar. In addition, an Alert History report is available from the Reports tab.

Review Configuring alert categories for setting automatic response to Media Overwrite and Media Insert alert categories.


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