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Veritas Information Map Installation and Administration Guide
Last Published:
Information Map (1.0)
- Introduction to Veritas Information Map
- Planning installation of the Information Map Agent
- Installing and configuring Information Map
- Installing the Information Map Agent
- Configuring credentials for share discovery and native scanning
- Cloud Agent configuration
- Global settings
- Managing Information Map settings
- Troubleshooting
Configuring Information Map to access Amazon S3 account
To enable cloud support, you must configure communication between Information Map and your Amazon S3 account. Once this task is setup and a successful connection has been established, the Veritas Cloud Agent initiates a discovery scan and presents the data inventory for your Amazon S3 cloud storage account on the Dashboard and Map views.
To configure access to an Amazon S3 account
- On the vertical navigation panel in the Information Map application, expand the Administration section and click Tasks > New.
- On the Tasks page, configure a new task to collect metadata from the Amazon S3 account.
See Managing tasks.
- Verify the content sources are populated once the initial discovery scan is complete. The collection status for content sources is disabled by default. You must enable it to initiate a metadata scan.
Note that the initial discovery scan can take up to an hour to start.
- AWS locations are automatically updated in Information Map during the discovery phase if they have not been created manually. Once auto-populated, you can only edit certain fields for a location. The editable fields are Contact name, Contact telephone, Contact email, Storage tier, and Notes.
- Once the metadata scan of the content sources (Amazon S3 buckets) is complete for all objects within your cloud data set, navigate to the Dashboard and Map views to visualize and filter the inventory for your Amazon S3 cloud data.
The metadata scans run daily and take between 24-48 hours before all your data inventory is discovered and available to be visualized. Content sources that have collected successfully cannot be deleted.