Veritas Information Map Installation and Administration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Information Map (1.0)
  1. Introduction to Veritas Information Map
      Overview of Information Map
      Deployment workflow
      Information Map architecture
      Creating new user accounts
  2. Planning installation of the Information Map Agent
      System requirements
      Supported browsers
      Connectivity requirements
      Security requirements
      Generating a KeyStore file
      Configuring access to a NetBackup master server
  3. Installing and configuring Information Map
      Logging in to Veritas Information Map
      Downloading the Agent installer
      Configuring locations in Information Map
    4. Installing the Information Map Agent
        Configuring proxy settings
      Registering the Information Map Agent with Information Fabric
    6. Configuring credentials for share discovery and native scanning
        Credentials required to configure share discovery
        Configuring a non-administrator domain user on NetApp 7-mode filer
        Configuring a non-administrator account on an EMC Isilon file server
      Updating the Information Map Agent
  4. Cloud Agent configuration
      About configuring the Amazon S3 Agent
      Configuring metadata collection in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      Configuring Information Map to access Amazon S3 account
  5. Global settings
      About configuring global settings
      Configuring stale data definition
      Configuring non-business data definition
      Configuring storage tiers
      Assigning storage tiers to storage
      Customizing item types
  6. Managing Information Map settings
      Configuring Information Map users
      Managing Agents
      Managing tasks
      Managing content sources
  7. Troubleshooting
      Veritas Information Map logging
      Information Map Agent jobs
      Information Map Agent issues
      Information Map and data accuracy
      Known limitations of Information Map Agent

Customizing item types

By default, Information Map sorts files into 20 item types based on the extension of the files. In addition to these, there are two other item types - No type (A extension not defined in any of the known types) and Unknown. The item type information and the extensions that correspond to the item types are used for reporting on ownership and the type of files that are consuming space on content sources. The item type information is also used to display and filter metadata on the Map.

You can customize item types from the Administration > Global Settings > Item Types and Extensions page of the Information Map console.

Managing item types

You can create new item types and rename or delete the existing ones to better reflect the specific usage in your organization.

Before you create or rename item types, note the following:

  • An extension must be unique. If the extension already exists in an item type, you can not create an extension with the same name or rename another extension with that name.

  • Any changes to the item types and extensions will take effect when Information Map is next updated, which will happen within 24 hours.

To create a custom item type

  1. Click New item type.
  2. On the New item type pop-up, enter a unique name for the custom item type. You are prompted if an item type with that name already exists.
  3. Click OK.

[You can add new extension or move extensions from the existing item types to the custom item type.]

To rename an item type

  1. Select an item type and click Rename.
  2. On the Rename item type pop-up, enter a unique name for the item type. You are prompted if an item type with that name already exists.
  3. Click OK.

When you rename an item type, the mappings of all child extensions in that bucket are updated on the Map.

To delete an item type

  • Select an item type and click Delete.

    When you delete an item type, the child extensions belonging to that item type are moved to the Unknown item type bucket.

Mapping item extensions

You can modify the default item type definitions by adding custom extensions to item type buckets, by moving extensions between item type buckets or renaming the item type description.

To add new extensions to item types or edit a description

  1. On the Item Types and Extensions page, click an item type. The extensions corresponding to the item type are displayed in the right panel.
  2. Click Add item extension.
  3. On the Add item extension, enter the name of the extension, for example, png. From the drop-down, select the Item Type - Graphics, and add a description, for example, Portable Network Graphic.


    You can only add new extensions to an existing item type.

  4. Click OK.
  5. To edit the description of an item extension, select an item extension and click Edit.
  6. On the Edit item extension, make changes to the description, and click OK.

To move an item extension

  1. Click an item type. The extensions corresponding to the item type are displayed in the right panel.
  2. Select the item extensions that you want to move.
  3. Click the Move to drop-down to select the item type bucket that you want to move the extension to.