Veritas Information Map Installation and Administration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Information Map (1.0)
  1. Introduction to Veritas Information Map
      Overview of Information Map
      Deployment workflow
      Information Map architecture
      Creating new user accounts
  2. Planning installation of the Information Map Agent
      System requirements
      Supported browsers
      Connectivity requirements
      Security requirements
      Generating a KeyStore file
      Configuring access to a NetBackup master server
  3. Installing and configuring Information Map
      Logging in to Veritas Information Map
      Downloading the Agent installer
      Configuring locations in Information Map
    4. Installing the Information Map Agent
        Configuring proxy settings
      Registering the Information Map Agent with Information Fabric
    6. Configuring credentials for share discovery and native scanning
        Credentials required to configure share discovery
        Configuring a non-administrator domain user on NetApp 7-mode filer
        Configuring a non-administrator account on an EMC Isilon file server
      Updating the Information Map Agent
  4. Cloud Agent configuration
      About configuring the Amazon S3 Agent
      Configuring metadata collection in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
      Configuring Information Map to access Amazon S3 account
  5. Global settings
      About configuring global settings
      Configuring stale data definition
      Configuring non-business data definition
      Configuring storage tiers
      Assigning storage tiers to storage
      Customizing item types
  6. Managing Information Map settings
      Configuring Information Map users
      Managing Agents
      Managing tasks
      Managing content sources
  7. Troubleshooting
      Veritas Information Map logging
      Information Map Agent jobs
      Information Map Agent issues
      Information Map and data accuracy
      Known limitations of Information Map Agent

Installing the Information Map Agent

For every tenant subscription, you can deploy multiple Information Map agents if you have multiple master servers. However, you can only deploy the Agent which is downloaded from your Information Map instance.


The metadata scans may take longer if you associate a single agent with more than four master servers.

The Information Map Agent server must be a separate physical or virtual machine from the NetBackup master server. The server should also reside on the same highly connected network as the master server, preferably within the same data center. Metadata collection times can be adjusted using the Administration portal on the Information Map application.


Do not install the Information Map Agent on a server on which NetBackup software is installed.

Before you install the Information Map Agent package on your on-premises server, ensure that the following steps are completed:


Ensure that no other NetBackup software is installed on the Agent server.

To install the Information Map Agent

  1. Download the Information Map Agent installer by logging into the Information Map application.

    See Downloading the Agent installer.

  2. Log on (or remote logon) as Administrator to the computer that is intended as the Information Map Agent server.
  3. Extract the zip package contents and double-click <Veritas_InfoMapAgent_windows_1_0_0_xxx_x64.exe> to launch the installer.

    If you are not logged on to the computer as Administrator, you will be prompted to enter the Administrator credentials.

  4. The Welcome to the Setup Wizard window appears. Click Next.
  5. In the License Agreement panel, select I accept the agreement, and click Next.
  6. On the Agent Update Management page, select the update method.

    It is recommended that you select Automatically install updates of the Agent.

    If you select Manually install updates of the Agent, you can either download the installer from the Information Map or by logging into the Agent server.

    See Managing Agents.

  7. In the Select Destination Directory panel, browse to the directory in which you want the Agent to be installed. By default, the destination directory is C:\ Program Files\ Veritas\InformationMapAgent.


    Non-ASCII characters are not supported in the Information Map Agent installation path. It is recommended that you use the default installation path when installing the Agent on non-English operating systems.

    Click Next.

  8. In the Configure Data Directory panel, browse to the location where you want to store the product data before it is sent the Information Fabric technology platform. By default, the destination directory is C:\Veritas\InformationMapAgent\data. You can configure it in a separate directory.

    The data directory should reside on a volume that has sufficient space and resides on high performance disk. The amount of disk space required for the Data directory depends on how many NetBackup master servers are monitored by the Agent.

    The Information Map Agent may be installed on multiple nodes if you are collecting data from data stores other than NetBackup. In this case, provision a shared location with sufficient space on a highly available clustered disk.

    Click Next.

  9. In the Configure Networking window, enter the web server port, Communication service and Configuration service ports. The fields are populated with the default ports used by these services. However, if other software deployed on the Information Map Agent server uses the same TCP/IP ports as the Agent, you can configure different ports to use with the Agent.
  10. On the Proxy Settings page, you can configure the proxy server that you want to use to connect to the Internet. Direct connection to the Internet is selected by default.

    If your organization requires Internet connections to pass through a proxy server, select Connect to the internet through a proxy, and enter the following details:

    • The domain server name of the IP address of the proxy server host.

    • The details of the proxy port.

    • If the proxy requires authentication, select Authentication required and the type of authentication - Default or NTLM.

      Enter a valid user account and password.

      The password should be set to not expire. The password is stored encrypted.

    Click Test Connection to ensure that you can connect to the proxy server with the credentials you have provided. Click Next.

    You can also configure the proxy settings after the Agent installation.

    See Configuring proxy settings.

  11. The Agent installation is now complete. If you already have a keystore file, you can launch the registration wizard as described in 12. Otherwise, you should first generate a keystore file before you can start the registration.

    See Generating a KeyStore file.

  12. Return to the installer. The Launch Registration Wizard after exit check box is selected by default. Selecting this option starts the process to register the agent with the Information Fabric technology platform.

    You can choose not to register the Agent with Information Fabric at the end of the installation. Open https://localhost/infofab/nbuRegistration.jsp to launch the Registration wizard at a later time.

  13. Click Finish.