The replication retention of SLP is the same as the snapshot and not the backup from snapshot when creating a SLP protection plan of Kubernetes workload on WEBUI.

Article: 100061964
Last Published: 2023-12-21
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup


The replication retention of Storage Lifecycle Policy (SLP) is the same as the snapshot and not the backup from snapshot when creating a SLP protection plan of Kubernetes workload on WEBUI.

For example:

Created backup schedule of Kubernetes protection plan with 1 day snapshot retention and  7 weeks retention of backup from snapshot:

And then the replication retention of associated SLP is set to 1 day (Same as the snapshot retention of protection plan):


Workaround:  Modify the replication retention of existing SLP from the command line.

<installpath>/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbstl <PP_SLP_name> -modify -rl x,x,x -no_validate

Refer to technical article for the details about the parameters of command nbstl.


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