Error when running 'Create Standard Share' on an 3.1 Virtual Appliance, used for Copilot

Article: 100043285
Last Published: 2018-06-14
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Appliances


When trying to create a standard share on a NetBackup appliance to use with Copilot, the CLISH fails to enable the share even though storage is available.


Error Message

Storage> Create Share Standard
- [Info] Checking storage availability to create Standard Share...
- [Error] Unable to fetch the available storage size of the appliance. The create Share operation cannot proceed.
Please check the storage for any issues or contact Veritas Technical Support


Example from the appliance 409 unified logs:

Unable to open file '/tmp/output-xml/SHARE_GETINFO<ctime_value>.xml'.


Note:  <ctime_value>, in this case is a 13 digit number which will reference the time the command was executed.



The script used to create the share " /opt/NBUAppliance/scripts/ " does not have permissions or does not create the sub-directory within " /tmp " to allow the operation to continue.



Manually create the sub-directory under " /tmp " to allow the action to be completed.

1. Elevate to the appliance administration/root command prompt.

2. Run the command; " mkdir /tmp/output-xml ".

3. Return back to the appliance CLISH and rerun the option " Storage> Create Share Standard ".



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