0xe000942a - Backup Exec did not find any resources to include in the backup. V-79-57344-37930

Article: 100030940
Last Published: 2018-05-01
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


A selection list for a server that has exclusions configured can fail with the error above. When a new selection list is created, the entire server is selected by default. If some resources are deselected and the job is run, the job could fail with the error above.


Error Message

0xe000942a - Backup Exec did not find any resources to include in the backup.


Making selections via shares but then excluding the volume which owns the shares caused the identified issue. It is possible that excluding other file system container objects and then specifically including some of the content might generate a similar condition.


Deselect the entire server, and only select the data that needs to be backed up. In other words, don't configure any exclusions. Only configure inclusions.



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