What to trace in Indexing Service Processes?

Article: 100039330
Last Published: 2014-12-09
Ratings: 2 1
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


This article will provide details on which Indexing Service sub processes should be traced for troubleshooting. The Indexing Service has a number of sub processes covering the whole Index Administration Framework.  
List of processes managed by indexing service:
1- EVIndexAdminService
2- EVIndexVolumesProcessor
3- EVIndexQueryServer
4- EVIndexVerifyTask
5- EVIndexMoveTask
6- IndexBroker
7- IndexServer
Indexing Service processes can be classified in the following categories:
1- Administration 
2- New Ingestion
3- Rebuilds - 32bit, 64bit
4- Updates - 64bit
5- Deletions - 64bit
6- Search - 64bit
7- Verify
8- Synchronize
9- Upgrade
10- Change Location
11- Updates -32bit
12- Deletions 32-bit
13- Search 32-bit
The following table will specify which indexing service process should be traced for a particular indexing service function:
Indexing Service - Functions Processes to Trace
Administration EVIndexAdminService
New Ingestion EVIndexVolumesProcessor, EVIndexAdminService
All Rebuilds - 32 bit, 64 bit EVIndexVolumesProcessor, EVIndexAdminService
Updates - 32 bit
IndexBroker, IndexServer, EVIndexAdminService
Updates - 64 bit EVIndexVolumesProcessor, EVIndexAdminService
Deletions - 32 bit
IndexBroker, IndexServer, EVIndexAdminService
Deletions - 64 bit EVIndexVolumesProcessor, EVIndexAdminService
Search - 32 bit IndexBroker, IndexServer, EVIndexAdminService
Search - 64 bit EVIndexQueryServer, EVIndexAdminService
Verify EVIndexVerifyTask, EVIndexAdminService
Synchronize EVIndexVolumesProcessor, EVIndexAdminService
Upgrade EVIndexVolumesProcessor, EVIndexAdminService
Change location EVIndexMoveTask, EVIndexAdminService

In case the underline issue is related with retrieval of data from storage by indexing service then tracing should be enabled on the following storage process:
- StorageCrawler

For issues with retrieval of migrated (storage) data by indexing service tracing should also be enabled on following process apart from StorageCrawler:
- EVStgOfflineOpns  

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